Another Exotic Hand Cannon has returned from Destiny 1; Hawkmoon, everyone’s favorite RNG bullet dispenser! Surprisingly, the quest to get the weapon is pretty easy. We’ll run through each step below.

Planet Destiny Guides @ PC Invasion
Your Guide to the Destiny 2 Universe (Exotic reviews, Exotic Bounties, class builds, weapon guides, farming walkthroughs and more)!
Another Exotic Hand Cannon has returned from Destiny 1; Hawkmoon, everyone’s favorite RNG bullet dispenser! Surprisingly, the quest to get the weapon is pretty easy. We’ll run through each step below.
One of Beyond Light’s new Exotics is Salvation’s Grip, a Stasis element Grenade Launcher that freezes your opponents. This was advertised as an Exotic Quest before release and is already available! To find out how to get your hands on it, follow the steps below.
So the Empyrean Foundation is finally here and we’re rebuilding it to, presumably, bring back the Trials of Osiris! We’re all very excited to do this, I’m sure (well… most of us), so how do we do it? More importantly, how do we do it quickly and efficiently? Below, I will lay out everything we know for you to consider as you begin rebuilding!
At reset, we got access to our first Heavy Exotic Bow, Leviathan’s Breath. This is the first Exotic quest we’ve had in Season of the Undying, and unlike some previous exotic quests, this one is short and sweet. Below, we’ll list the steps needed to get Leviathan’s Breath. If you’d rather watch a video on the quest, check out our video guide here. You can also check out our review of the new exotic here.
This article serves a complete guide on how to obtain the Exotic Pulse Rifle Outbreak Perfected, a successor to Destiny: Rise of Iron’s Outbreak Prime. We’ve included details on how to start the quest, the steps that follow, as well as explanations and strategies for the encounters in the associated mission.
Thorn has finally arrived in Destiny 2. The fan-favorite hand cannon from Destiny 1 is back, as promised, within the Season of the Drifter. As expected, there are several quest steps to obtain the legendary gun, some that will be far more difficult than others. This guide should make the journey much easier, should you face issues on any part.