Bungie announced some massive changes for the Luna’s Howl and the Not Forgotten in their April 24th weekly blog.

Planet Destiny Guides @ PC Invasion
Your Guide to the Destiny 2 Universe (Exotic reviews, Exotic Bounties, class builds, weapon guides, farming walkthroughs and more)!
Bungie announced some massive changes for the Luna’s Howl and the Not Forgotten in their April 24th weekly blog.
Shin Malphur, the famous “Man with the Golden Gun,” killer of Dredgen Yor in the battle at Dwindler’s Ridge, has long been regarded as a hero; a champion of the Light who cannot abide even an ounce of Darkness among other Guardians. But the legend he has built for himself is no more than a façade, carefully crafted to maintain a specific appearance, below which hides a network of deception, deeper than any among the Light or Dark could have anticipated…
Xur is located on Titan. He brought some great stuff this week:
The Forward Path (Adaptive) Pros: Quick reload speed & handling. High aim assist. Cons: Below average magazine size. Perks Red Dot 2 MOA, Red Dot Micro, Rifle Scope SSF Armor Piercing Rounds, Extended Mag Tap the Trigger As far as stats go, this is an impressive weapon. But this auto rifle is let down in the perks department. The scopes are passable, with short and long range options. Short range will offer a wide field of view, but poor damage and aim assist. Long range offers a narrow field of view but better drop off characteristics. Extended Mag is an
Each faction has brought four weapons to the Tower, in addition to a fifth weapon that will be available once this Faction Rally ends. Here’s what you can get, along with some quick thoughts on their effectiveness in PvE and PvP. Dead Orbit Dire Promise A high-ROF hand cannon, the Dire Promise can be effective in the Crucible in the right hands. High handling speed, along with good magazine size and stability make it a versatile CQC weapon, but less effective in PvE combat when impact stats count for a lot. The presence of the Triple Tap perk is mildly
So far, Destiny 2’s exotic armor doesn’t feel quite as powerful as what we found in Destiny. In my mind, the jury’s out on whether this is a good or a bad thing, but for now we may as well use what we have. While many of the armor pieces available across all classes feel as though they’ve been tuned for PvE, and others simply feel lackluster (likely due to balance issues), there are still some good options for Crucible combat. With a few exceptions, I’ve found it much harder to rank D2’s exotic armor, largely due to the fact
One of the effects of the move to fixed weapon rolls in Destiny 2 is that, in theory, it levels the Crucible playing field. There are – in theory – countless Kinetic/Energy weapon combinations with which a Crucible combatant can achieve success, without depending on a randomly-granted perk. However, in every FPS, there will always be what’s considered the “meta” or ‘best’ loadout, and Destiny 2 is no exception. Although we’ve only made it a few weeks since launch day, the dust in Lord Shaxx’s prized arena has already begun to settle, and there appear to be some weapons that
Destiny 2 sports a host of quality-of-life improvements, such as the near-elimination of the ‘Orbit’ screen. It’s something of a shock, then, to look at how backwards Bungie’s new approach to the ‘Shader’ system appears to be. The gist of it is this: shaders that alter the appearance of your armor and weapons are now single-use consumables. Although you can alter individual armor pieces, once you do so… that shader is gone. You have to find – via the loot system – a new shader. This seems like a surprising choice, until you notice that shaders can be purchased from