Destiny Focus: Public Events

Public Events are Bungie’s way of making a big world seem that much bigger. With Fire-Team’s limited to only 3 players, it’s Bungie’s hope that these randomly occurring instances will help the world at large seem brimming with life, as fellow Guardians join a shared-world for a brief time in order to help you complete an objective. It can get lonely out there fighting evil, and whether you’re content to run it alone or are part of a trio of well-versed Guardians, Public Events bring your allies right to your doorstep so that you can fight and fall together in bigger

Destiny Focus: Competitive Multiplayer

There’s a lot to be said for the boundless cooperative campaign that exists at Destiny’s core, but for many, a competitive multiplayer component devised by the same team that bought us the original Halo trilogy is another huge draw in an already sizable game. We already know that Destiny will include a fully-fledged campaign that will be playable in both single-player and cooperative play, whilst the game will also play host to all manner of additional pursuits such as the relatively shrouded trio of Strike, Raid and Bounty. But it’s Faction Wars, the mode that has been loosely associated as

Devil’s Lair Gameplay Analysis

Hello again Guardians! We’ve had an exciting day today, with all the new footage and aspects we’ve learned about the game. However, there are still some things left to be analyzed and speculated upon and thank god there is, otherwise I would be out of a job! (Kidding, this is volunteer work, I just love you guys.) Let’s talk DESTINY. So I’m going to analyze the latest gameplay video “The Devils Lair” but I’m only going to go over the stuff that you might’ve missed, (no one needs an analyst pointing out all the obvious.) I’ll provide some screen shots

A Combined Arms Approach?

All hands on deck, we live or we die Together, together No matter how far we fall apart, We bleed together…. -Young Guns As someone who spent more than 20 years in the US Army, the question is an old one: What’s the best branch in the Army? The infantry guys claim you can’t win without them, the field artillery claims to be the King of Battle, tankers boast about the ridiculous firepower of their ceramic armored steeds and the airborne troops (literally) look down on pretty much everyone. So who’s right? Who IS the best in the Army? The

Destiny Factions: Food for Thought

    Hello again Guardians. It’s time for another dose of destined medicined food for thought to keep your Destiny fever down. This time, we’re going to speculate about Factions, and The Faction War.      Very little is known about the Factions. What we know is that there are five Factions, with their own names and emblems, and that they are the core of the fiction for competitive multiplayer.      “You are being employed by these Factions.” says design lead Lars Bakken. “The Factions helped and were integral to the forming of the city. They are very interested

The Personalization of Destiny

Despite Bungie’s rather coy attitude towards conforming Destiny to a particular genre or subset, for me, Destiny will always be an RPG more than it is any other type of game. It may have the skin of a first-person shooter or the musculature of an adventure game, but Destiny, down to its very bones, is a social, adventurous, colourful role-playing game with a dash of MMO and a pinch of ‘shared world shooter’ thrown in for good measure. My namesake Ashley Kalym recently posted a superb article on this very site detailing how, regardless of what label people ply to

Is Destiny an MMO? Who cares!

As many of you have done, I’ve followed the development and process behind making Destiny with much anticipation; ever since I saw that first video detailing exactly what it was Bungie was planning. I didn’t bother worrying or debating about what type of game it was going to be. Was it an FPS? Was it an MMO? Was it an action game? Was it an RPG with FPS elements? These and other concerns never bothered me, but I was very surprised to see how much of a fuss was made by many people over exactly what it was they were

Destiny’s Role-playing Elements

We’ve been blessed to see and hear some details about Destiny’s story, gameplay mechanics, even a bit of competitive multiplayer. But one element of the game that hasn’t been talked about a whole lot, would definitely have to be the role-playing. Now, this is probably due to the fact that, at the end of the day, what people care about most is gameplay mechanics, which is rightfully so. But if you’re a role-playing junkie like me, and love to immerse yourself into the game’s world, then I have some speculations that will get you excited. Emote Engagment When it comes