Breakdown one weapon to upgrade another

Bungie’s latest tweet has sparked an interesting conversation about how weapon progression will be implemented in Destiny. The tweet reads: This has lead some to believe that players will be able to breakdown a weapon for its specific parts to use on a different weapon. While this would be interesting, what this most likely means is that players can scrap a gun for its “Glimmer” and use that to try and obtain a new weapon. An example of requiring Glimmer before an upgrade USplendid showed an example of this on the Destiny subreddit.

Support Destiny News: Disable AdBlock

Hey guys! As many of you know, we use banner advertisements to pay for our website servers and general site upkeep. Therefore we make a small amount of money when someone clicks on an ad and an even smaller amount when someone merely views it. Being someone who dislikes ads as much as the next guy, I understand why a lot of people use AdBlocking plugins (Me included). This is why we here at try to keep the annoying ads to a minimum (No pop-ups or overly distracting ads here). That’s why we would greatly appreciate it if you would

Public Alpha Live on June 3rd?

Update from Bungie:  Last night, we noticed you noticing us internally testing the Destiny Alpha. Here’s what that means for you: • The Destiny Alpha has only been made available to Bungie employees. What this means for you is that we’re making great headway. • At E3, attendees will be able to play our competitive multiplayer, putting their skills to the test in intense, skill-based arenas. • For fans, the Destiny Beta will be the big, pre-launch hands-on experience. You can secure a spot by pre-ordering Destiny at participating retailers. [divider] Reddit user SPUTZNIKZ just posted a screen-grab of a Bungie employee’s PSN

Weekly Update 5.23.14

You can also read the Weekly Update on Bnet. [divider] This week at Bungie, we stand on a sandy coastline to contemplate the seven seas. “It’s like building a wall to hold back a tsunami.” Zach Russell has a far off look in his eyes. On the Bungie org chart, his title is “The Ringmaster.” Today, as I’m sipping my coffee and listening to his wisdom, he’s looking more like the weary fisherman from “The Old Man and the Sea.” Zach’s been spending his days thinking about what happens when hundreds of thousands of gamers come to shore, momentously, exactly

Destiny Makes Magazine Cover

The French-based magazine Video Gamer just revealed its June 2014 cover. To our delight, the cover features a beautiful picture of a Guardian (Looks to be a Titan, although I’m still not 100% certain). I’m always glad to see Destiny making magazine covers.

Weekly Update 5.16.14

You can also read the Weekly update on Bnet [divider] This week at Bungie, we’re paving the way to E3, and beyond. This summer, our goal is to put this game into as many hands as we can. After all the talking (and singing and dancing) it’s finally going to be time to play. The air here is charged with a sense of purpose – not of finality, but inevitability. Every day, another slab of concrete solidifies, and the machine marches inexorable onward. Every square foot of space is now devoted to these final moments. What was once a place

Bungie Weekly Update 5.9.14

This week at Bungie, we continued to sort through our findings from the recent Pre-Alpha test of Destiny. You can learn a lot when a small delegation of highly-trusted testers inspects your brave new world for the very first time. Insights tumble from their unspoiled, eager minds like the luminous heaps of loot that litter the ground after a hearty battle. They teach you about everything from networking to weapon balance. Sometimes, much to our surprise, they can even teach you about geology. That’s right. It all depends on the test subject. Each of them reacts differently to a mission.

Beta Month Revealed!

Though we don’t know the exact date (7/7 perhaps?) we do now know the month of the Destiny beta! In the Activision/Blizzard first quarter earning report, we see that the beta will be released to the world in July.     MoreConsole goes over some interesting tidbits about the earnings report. [yframe url=’’]