Rumor: Third Subclass?!

Published on: Oct 13, 2014 @ 20:33 This article may contain spoilers! An anonymous source, claiming to have tested the upcoming DLC, has divulged information relating to an alleged third subclass. This is very much a rumor, and if it is true, it’ll quite possibly be changed once the Dark Below expansion releases in December. To see how to access a new area that’ll be in the Dark Below, check out this article.[divider] The following is what the anonymous source had to say:  Titan – Crusader Super “Purge” You shoot this giant horizontal column of light directly in front of you. Upgrades can thicken the cylinder (default is

Public Alpha Live on June 3rd?

Update from Bungie:  Last night, we noticed you noticing us internally testing the Destiny Alpha. Here’s what that means for you: • The Destiny Alpha has only been made available to Bungie employees. What this means for you is that we’re making great headway. • At E3, attendees will be able to play our competitive multiplayer, putting their skills to the test in intense, skill-based arenas. • For fans, the Destiny Beta will be the big, pre-launch hands-on experience. You can secure a spot by pre-ordering Destiny at participating retailers. [divider] Reddit user SPUTZNIKZ just posted a screen-grab of a Bungie employee’s PSN

Food for Thought: The Tower

Hello Guardian comrades. It’s time to refill prescriptions and feed our brains the drugs that are Destiny speculations. This time, we are gonna think long and hard about The Tower and how deeply, or rather how highly intricate it may be. (Get it? Because The Tower is high and tall? So it’s highly intricate? :3 … :c Okay..) [divider] Old News Before we get into the wonderful world of ‘what if’s’ n such, lets take a gander at what we know thus far. The Tower is located within the walls of the last safe city on Earth. It is a third person

The Lore of Destiny

It may be hard to believe, but Bungie’s Destiny has been in the works ever since the time of Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST. ‘Destiny Awaits’ read the poster plastered to the street-side wall in ODST, a Destiny teaser that preceded the games announcement by almost three years. Following that, Bungie’s suspect trademark of the ‘Bungie Aerospace’ domain kept us all wondering even more, before an official announcement set in stone Destiny’s origin back in late 2011. This may be Bungie’s first ever foray into creating a game that is more parts RPG than it is FPS, but if

The Armaments of Destiny

Throughout my entire Halo 3 career, there was one weapon in particular that I favoured over any other. It wasn’t my trusty Battle Rifle, nor my shimmering Energy Sword, but rather my Spartan Laser ‘Galilean’, a weapon that I accrued a total of 1,200 kills with across 1,800 multiplayer games. I knew where it spawned on each and every map, I knew not to hold the fire button for too long lest the thing fire prematurely, and I knew how to maximize its usefulness over the course of each and every battle. I loved the Laser, and my affection for

The Personalization of Destiny

Despite Bungie’s rather coy attitude towards conforming Destiny to a particular genre or subset, for me, Destiny will always be an RPG more than it is any other type of game. It may have the skin of a first-person shooter or the musculature of an adventure game, but Destiny, down to its very bones, is a social, adventurous, colourful role-playing game with a dash of MMO and a pinch of ‘shared world shooter’ thrown in for good measure. My namesake Ashley Kalym recently posted a superb article on this very site detailing how, regardless of what label people ply to

Destiny’s Role-playing Elements

We’ve been blessed to see and hear some details about Destiny’s story, gameplay mechanics, even a bit of competitive multiplayer. But one element of the game that hasn’t been talked about a whole lot, would definitely have to be the role-playing. Now, this is probably due to the fact that, at the end of the day, what people care about most is gameplay mechanics, which is rightfully so. But if you’re a role-playing junkie like me, and love to immerse yourself into the game’s world, then I have some speculations that will get you excited. Emote Engagment When it comes