Category: Guides

How to Unlock the Final Monitor (Outbreak Prime)
The word is out: hardworking Guardians cracked the ARG code and the in-game puzzle to unlock a quest leading to that crazy SIVA-fied Exotic Pulse Rifle we’ve all been wondering about: Outbreak Prime. [divider] Step 1: Activate Prior Monitors The entire raid party needs to stay together; no one should leave to go to Orbit or you’ll risk the Monitors resetting. Step 2: Server and Canister Rooms You’ll need a full fireteam of 6 to pull this off! Here are the roles you need to hand out: Column Monitor: This Guardian heads to the left (from the entrance) Monitor in the

7 Crucible Tips
In Destiny, even after you’ve landed the first shot, your opponent sometimes has more than enough time to fight back or run away. Reflexes alone won’t be enough, so you’ll need a solid combination of strategy and gunskill. Radar It’s got crazy range and you should almost never be surprised if you can get good at reading it. I know it looks a bit confusing, and it doesn’t show you exactly where an opponent is like it would in Halo or CoD, but it’s a powerful tool once you understand it. The pie slices light up as enemies approach, starting first

How to Get The Chaperone (Rank 3 Quest Guide)
“Jolly Holiday” starts you off on a Tex Mechanica competition to score The Chaperone, an Exotic Shotgun that fires slug rounds as opposed to the usual buckshot. While we haven’t gotten around to doing a full review of this gun yet, this quick guide will get you on the road to having a Chaperone of your very own. [divider] How to Obtain First of all, you’ll acquire this quest sometime after reaching Level 40. You also need to be Rank 3 in the Crucible. Simply wait until Amanda Holiday has a quest marker above her head, and you’ll know that it’s

Aksis Supercharge Guide
Before the Empowered player who is closest to Aksis stuns him, one of the other two Empowered players can discharge their Empowerment into the glowing red square. This gives every team member their super. For every teleport, there will be one Empowered player on the left, on the right, and in the middle. Even if Aksis is already on a certain side, there should still be a player positioned on that side because they have to cover the Supercharge square when Aksis moves. There is a way to set a team up that covers every teleport and Supercharge combination. The

How to Get Superblack & Lost Broom
The Festival of the Lost has returned! In addition to some fun with masks, candy, and – of course – space magic, there are a couple of short quests that Guardians of all ages can enjoy. One gives you a sweet new shader – an all-black one, no less – and the other lets you fulfill your witchy fantasies and ride around on a rocket-powered broom! [divider] How to Get the Superblack Shader Raisin-hoarders, your time has come! If you were one of the Guardians who hung onto the tiny box of raisins you received from Eris Morn during last