The Beta is currently under maintenance and will be so until July 23rd. (image by falconbox)
How was your Beta experience? For all of the Xbox users, we’ll have download keys to give away just like we did for PS, and those will be given out as soon as they become available on the 23rd via Facebook message.
Meanwhile while you guys wait, here’s some miscellaneous Destiny shenanigans that have brought Beta players some fun.
Dance to Dodge Bullets posted by bsb1127
Dragon Spotted on the Shores of Time Crucible map (Venus) 
Fallen T-Bag by InfiniteLegitimateAgama
Crucible Mega-Kill’]
How to make 7-10k Glimmer per hour’]
The Relaxed Capture
Bouncy Ball on Fan
Invisible Ship Glitch
Into The Wall
Orge Kill
Should I Be Here?
The Grotto Glitch
If you haven’t already, join our forums to talk with other like-minded Destiny fans in an easygoing environment.