Weekly Update 2.7.14

Read Bungie’s full weekly update here. [divider] This week at Bungie, we set out on a vital scouting mission. When I say “we,” what I really mean is “Me and Urk.” Our destination was England, for some strategic ops – a needlessly fancy way of describing a series of big meetings. The who, the where, and the why are best kept secret, for now. Suffice to say, we’re assembling a global coalition that will help us launch this game. Our adventure began on Super Bowl Sunday. While the rest of Seattle enjoyed a multiplayer game of epic proportions, Team Bungie

Destiny “Best Selling IP in History”

Joystiq recently reported on a quote that came from activision’s CEO regarding Destiny’s future. Activision is dreaming big for Bungie’s Destiny, dubbing it the”next billion dollar franchise.” Activision CEO Bobby Kotick echoed the projection, telling investors during today’s earnings call that the publisher expects “Destiny will become the best-selling new video game IP in history.” Destiny, an online, loot-heavy first-person shooter, is due on September 9. No pressure. [divider] Bold? Yes. Exciting? Of course. Possible? Let’s wait and see.

Weekly Update 1.31.14

Read Bungie’s full Weekly Update here. [divider] This week at Bungie, we gained a fresh perspective. We welcomed friends, old and new, to visit our studio. We palavered. We broke bread. We played a ton of Destiny. This is a rarity, of course – a perk reserved for partners who have joined us on this adventure. Before we launch, we have a lot of ground to cover, and many, many stories to tell. Just like this lone Titan, our chances of success increase exponentially when we choose the right allies and arm them with the gear they’ll need to get

Destiny at GDC 2014

Bungie is once again presenting at this year’s GDC (Game Developers Conference). While this is not the venue for massive Destiny details to be revealed, there will still be tid bits of new info. Check out Bungie’s event details below, or visit the GDC site. [divider] Bungie at GDC Passes for the Game Developers Conference 2014 are going fast, and today we’re announcing even more sessions for the Main Conference that you’ll want to check out. Today’s highlights include a talk on Destiny‘s character customization system from an artist’s perspective, a rundown of what designers and AI programmers can learn from the enemy

Vex Hobgoblins Spotted

Zoom, enhance. This Hobgoblin was spotted in the most recent set of screenshots by the guys over at Destiny Overwatch. Hobgoblins are the class of Vex that are higher ranking than the basic goblin unit, but are distinguished by their tails (and their helmets). They are also bigger and tougher than their Goblin counterparts. Learn more about the different enemy classes here.

Weekly Update 1.17.14

Read Bungie’s full Weekly Update here [divider] This week at Bungie, I hunted Cabal. At the end of a long day, Pete Parsons strode into my corner of the studio with a call to arms. “I want to play a Strike.” he said, “Who’s with me?” “I’m in!” OJ said. Then their gaze fell on me. I killed a browser window and gave an eager nod. Just like that, we found ourselves planting footprints in the sands of Mars. After weeks of playtest, and untold hours devoted to progressing over the winter break, our Guardians had become deadly. Clad in armored raiment

Weekly Update 1.10.14

Read Bungie’s full weekly update here. [divider] This week at Bungie, we got back to work. And so it was that 2013 gasped its last breath like a Cabal Centurion in the desperate throes of a Nova Bomb overdose. While that went down, we were dark. Our studio was silent. Of all the indulgences that spice the holiday season, our favorite was a heaping helping of our most valuable resource: Time. To close out an action-packed year of developments and revelations, we took some precious time to recharge our batteries. Our understanding of the rigors that await us in the year

Destiny News Page Updates!

Hey guys, recently I’ve been revising a few of the pages here on DestinyNews.net to bring them up to speed with the Destiny details we know so far. Its not entirely updated, but in the meanwhile check out these new and improved pages (also found in the menu-bar above). [divider] Updated Pages [button color=”white” size=”big” link=”http://destinynews.net/species/” ]Enemies[/button] [button color=”white” size=”big” link=”http://destinynews.net/weapons/” ]Weapons[/button] [button color=”white” size=”big” link=”http://destinynews.net/the-frontier/” ]The Frontier[/button] [button color=”white” size=”big” link=”http://destinynews.net/in-game/” ]Screenshots[/button] [button color=”white” size=”big” link=”http://destinynews.net/artwork/” ]Artwork[/button] [button color=”white” size=”big” link=”http://destinynews.net/wallpapers/” ]Wallapapers[/button]