According to a post on the Destiny subreddit, Destiny will have a total of 11 crucible maps, 22 story mission, 6 Strikes, 4 exploration areas, and 1 raid. The missions, strikes and raid will all have multiple difficulty levels.
The information was data mined through the Destiny companion app by Destinydb. Although at this point it is not confirmed whether there will be more content included when Destiny launches.
Update: The DestinyDB developer has pointed out that this information appears to be dated June 30, 2014. It stands to reason that additions/changes have been, and will continue to be made up until launch.
Urk also commented on the scale and size, saying
“Destiny’s pretty big. It’s the biggest game we’ve ever made, by far, and we’re sort of known for making games you can play for months, years, and even decades if you’re a little bit…dedicated.
With Destiny, we’re looking to exceed what we’ve done before, not just in terms of scale – the Moon is our smallest destination – but in terms of scope and breadth of activities. That’s true for day one, as you expect, but it also means we want Destiny to have super long legs.
If we’re fortunate enough to have you playing months after launch, you still find lots of compelling stuff to do. That will manifest itself in a myriad of ways, from straight up content to cool activities we’ve yet to show off.
We think we did a decent job supporting Halo, post launch, but we were only ever able to cater to the competitive set. That left a lot of players out in the cold. That made a lot of the team grumpy. We wanted to do better. So, Destiny is philosophically built support every type of player, and all modes with ongoing activities and events. We look at it quite a bit like television programming, as opposed to a singular film, as we had in the past. We think it’s gonna be pretty great, but we wanted to test out a bunch of our new stuff with Beta, to make sure we could flip knobs and levers live, reacting and responding with lots (and, ho boy, did we see LOTS) of players online and playing.
Beta was water wings. Level 8 is nothing. You barely scratched the surface.”
Crucible Maps

(All maps include Clash, Skirmish, Rumble, Control, and Salvage game modes)
Crucible Gametypes
Trials of Osiris (Skirmish): 3v3. You have caught the eye of Osiris. Venture to Mercury and prove yourself as one of the Crucible’s elite. Only the worthy may face the Trials of Osiris, for only the worthy are strong enough to endure what is to come. A string of victories will earn great rewards – but lose three times and you’re out.
Iron Banner: 6v6. Champions are born in battle. Prove your might and earn the respect of the Lords of Iron.
The Grand Arena (Rumble): 3v3. Prove your merit to the New Monarchy in pure combat. You against all. Hone your Light by challenging your fellow Guardians in a fight for survival.
Dead Sectors (Control): 6v6. Dead Orbit desires new territories to expand their reach beyond the City. Fight for control of strategic battle zones. Hold your ground to gain the momentum.
Ancient Relics (Salvage): 3v3. The Arachs of Dead Orbit covet rare artifacts. Secure and defend the Relics to claim the secrets of our past.
Executor’s Challenge (Skirmish): 3v3. New Monarchy seeks those capable of reclaiming the frontier, one battle at a time. A focused engagement between two fireteams. Teamwork is your greatest weapon.
Eternal War (Clash): 6v6. The Future War Cult seeks champions who can face the inexorable future. Form an alliance and fight for supremacy across the ruins of our old worlds.
Machines of War (Combined Arms): 6v6. Heed the call of the Future War Cult and master war on a massive scale. Coordinate vehicles and your ground game to control the battlefield and rout your opponents.

Exploration Areas

Venus: Ishtar Sink
Earth: Old Russia
Moon: Ocean of Storms
Mars: Meridian Bay
Venus: Vault of Glass (levels 27, 30, 31)
Story Missions

- A Guardian Rises (level 1)
- Restoration (levels 2, 5)
- The Dark Within (levels 3, 6)
- The Warmind (levels 4, 7)
- The Last Array (levels 5, 8)
- The Dark Beyond (levels 6, 9)
- The Sword of Crota (levels 7, 10)
- The World’s Grave (levels 7, 10)
- Shrine of Oryx (levels 8, 11)
- Chamber of Night (levels 8, 11)
The Reef (Asteroid Belt):
- The Awoken (level 10)
- A Key Awaits (level 12)
- A Stranger’s Call (levels 10, 12)
- Ishtar Collective (levels 10, 12)
- The Archive (levels 11, 13)
- Scourge of Winter (levels 11, 13)
- Eye of a Gate Lord (levels 12, 14)
- Exclusion Zone (levels 15, 17)
- The Garden’s Spire (levels 16, 18)
- A Rising Tide (levels 17, 19)
- The Buried City (levels 17, 19)
- The Black Garden (levels 18, 20)
Story Challenges (limited events)
Earth: The Queen’s Wrath
Earth: ttt
Mars: TTT
Mars: TTT
Moon: ttt
Venus: ttt
Venus: ttt
- Vanguard Eagle launches a random strike at level 18
- Vanguard Viper launches a random strike at level 20
- Vanguard Wolf launches a random strike at level 22
- Vanguard Tiger launches a random strike at level 24
- Nightfall: The Devils’ Lair (levels 22, 26, 28)
- The Devils’ Lair (levels 6, 8)
- Nightfall: The Summoning Pits (levels 22, 26, 28)
- The Summoning Pits (level 12)
- Nightfall: The Nexus (levels 22, 26, 28)
- Nightfall: Winter’s Run (levels 22, 26, 28)
- The Nexus (level 14)
- Winter’s Run (level 14)
- Nightfall: Cerberus Vae III (levels 22, 26, 28)
- Cerberus Vae III (level 18)
- Dust Palace (level 18)
Note: There’s 3 different Strikes: Normal, high level, and nightfall variations. The “Nightfall” strikes are the hardest, and will only open up for limited times on rotation, rather than being available at all times.
When asked what a Nightfall activity is, Luke Smith from Bungie explains: “Nightfall activities come in two flavors: daily and weekly. They have extremely exotic rewards.”