A marksman’s weapon forged in fire by the Lords of the Iron Banner.
Gheleon’s Demise is a Legendary primary scout rifle.
This weapon is purchasable from Lord Saladin and can be Reforged.

The good: Highest Impact & range.
The bad: Lowest RoF & stability.
Conclusion: Amazing PvE weapon.
Scout Rifle (Primary Weapon)

Talent Upgrades Tree (from the vendor)

Kinetic Damage
This weapon causes Kinetic damage.

Agile sight. For smooth engagement in close quarters.
+2 Range
+12 Stability

Precision kills with this weapon dramatically increase reload speed.

Upgrade Damage 1
Increases Attack Power, resulting in more Damage.

Aiming this weapon is incredibly fast.

Precision kills with this weapon cause the target to explode.

Upgrade Damage 2
Increases Attack Power, resulting in more Damage.

Upgrade Damage 3
Increases Attack Power, resulting in more Damage.

Sharpshooter scope. Long range, with enhanced target acquisition. Surprisingly light.
+10 Range

Improved range and accuracy.

Upgrade Damage 4
Increases Attack Power, resulting in more Damage.

Flexible sight. Light, with good recoil control. Strong target acquisition.
+15 Reload

These iridium-core rounds overpenetrate targets. Their mass slows down weapon handling.

Upgrade Damage 5
Increases Attack Power, resulting in more Damage.
Video Review
Weapon Review
Gheleon’s Demise is a Legendary primary scout rifle which can be purchased and rerolled via Lord Saladin.
The default perks are listed above, but these will change if you choose to Reforge it. Click here to see all of its potential perks.
Be sure to check out our other Legendary weapon reviews as well.
Recommended Perks (PvE)
Red Dot-OES
+10 Stability
+150% reload speed after a precision kill
Precision kills cause a Solar blast in a 5 meter radius
Recommended Reforge Perks (PvP)
QuickDraw IS
+15 Reload
Outlaw or Zen Moment
Third eye
Radar remains active during ADS
The Good
Gheleon’s Demise is a scout rifle of extremes. It has some of the best stats and some of the worst, but overall its almost perfect for PvE.
Starting off with what it excels at: Its got the highest Impact rating, tied with Badger CCL (full review) and a few others.
In PvE the high Impact will lead to tier 1 enemies taking 408 damage to the body and 1222 to the head. Tier 2 (yellow health) enemies will take 367 body damage and 550 on a critical hit.
In PvP you’ll be dealing 49 to the body and 73 to the head. It will take 3 headshots to take out a Guardian, which is extremely similar to hand cannon damage output.
If you’ve used Badger CCL then this scout rifle will feel very familiar to you. Badger CCL does have a higher base stability but that’s basically the only difference (besides perks).
Along with the Impact, the range is also extremely high – nearly the highest of all Legendary scout rifles. With such high base range, perks like Hammer Forged or Send It become much less useful.
Easily the best part about Gheleon’s Demise is its ability to be Reforged.
Some excellent column 5 perks you could roll are High Caliber Rounds, Explosive Rounds, and Flared Magwell.
HCR is perfect for PvE: You’ll want to stagger enemies as much as possible.
Explosive Rounds will increase your damage on single targets and also give you the ability to damage other nearby enemies.
If you don’t have Outlaw, Flared Magwell is almost necessary, given the 2.55 seconds it’ll take you to reload without upgrades.
Outlaw and Firefly, the perks it comes with, are simply the best for PvE. Outlaw completely minimizes your downtime and Firefly deals tons of extra damage.
The Bad
One of the biggest drawbacks is the low rate of fire, but it’s not surprise because of its archetype. We could only dream of a high Impact and quick rate of fire scout rifle…
It takes 5.9 seconds to unload an entire magazine, which equates to roughly 150 rounds per minute.
The stability is also extremely low, but this isn’t a huge issue because of the low rate of fire.
Finally, the base reload speed is nearly the slowest of all Legendary scout rifles, only slightly quicker than B-Line Trauma (full review).
The base reload speed is 2.55 seconds but this can be increased with QuickDraw IS to 2.2 seconds and down to 1.15 seconds with Outlaw.
If you don’t Reforge the weapon and keep its default Outlaw perk, as long as you can consistently get precision kills, reloading will feel instantaneous.
The two default perks you’ll want to avoid are Snapshot and Hammer Forged; neither of them are substantial enough to warrant using.
A marksman’s weapon forged in fire by the Lords of the Iron Banner, Gheleon’s Demise is worth purchasing, especially for PvE.
We gave our thoughts about The Saterienne Rapier vs Gheleon’s Demise in this article if you’re curious about how they stack up.
If you don’t already have Fatebringer and are dying to get your hands on its perks, buy Gheleon’s Demise.
The Saterienne Rapier doesn’t pack as much of a punch, has less ammo, can’t be Reforged, and isn’t a limited-time weapon.
While The Saterienne Rapier overall is more user friendly and fluid, Gheleon’s Demise will dominate PvE content due to its Impact.
The perks are really just too strong to pass up, but if you’re not a fan of slow rate of fire scout rifles, you might have a hard time adjusting to this one.
For PvP this weapon earns a 8.2/10 and for PvE a 8.7/10.