Weekly Update 6.24.14

Read Bungie’s full weekly update below or on Bungie.net. [divider] This week at Bungie, DeeJ is OOF, and I’m answering the questions. I never thought I’d say it, but I really miss the time I used to spend with you scamps and all of your burning inquiries. Not enough to open an actual real life mail sack on our forums, mind you, but enough to spend at least four or five minutes hypothesizing about the questions you might want to ask us this week, and which questions our old and absent friend, DeeJ, would surely be forced to dodge. Ready? Let’s

Hunter, Warlock & Titan Upgrades

‘Uniquely Average Gamers’ and DattoDoesDestiny both have new videos out that give us a concise overview of the upgrade paths we’ll be able to enhance our Guardian’s with. They weigh in with their thoughts about the armor stats, and which of them you’ll want to focus on. Unfortunately this is a limited preview of the subclasses we’ll have in the full game, but the information is still really valuable. A subclass is an array of abilities that you choose, based on how’d you like your Guardian to progress. All of these abilities will improve your overall class while simultaneously allowing

PS4 Timed Exclusives

Datto and MoreConsole both have recently uploaded videos with their perspectives on timed exclusives for the PS4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA3ZEsWO84Q According to Amazon, they confirm that the following will be unavailable for Xbox users until Fall 2015: “Exodus Blue Competitive Multiplayer Map, Dust Palace Strike, Weapons, Ships and Gear.” We have an ongoing discussion on our forums about this topic as well. What do you all think about it?

Weekly Update 6.20.14

Read Bungie’s full weekly update below or on Bungie.net. [divider] Celebration is very atypical at our studio. Successful milestones fly by without the pomp and circumstance you might expect out of a group of ultra-passionate game creators with an unlimited supply of Red Bull. More often than not, our collective enthusiasm is tempered by a fiery criticism that would make even the most e-battle hardened YouTube commenters wince away from the screen, eyes watering. But this week at Bungie, we danced… and so did some of you. Putting our Alpha out there lit a new kind of fire here at

Swag Giveaway Winners

With roughly 90 entries into our Destiny swag giveaway, only two would walk away with some sweet prizes. That is why I am proud to announce the winners: Stephen W wins the iPhone 5 case + Flashdrive  and Peter N wins the Leather-bound Journal Winners, make sure to check your “Other” messages on facebook for shipment details. [divider] Thank you to everyone who participated. I’ll let you know about more contests in the future.

Destiny Exclusive to PS3 and PS4 in Japan

In a recent statement released by Sony, Destiny will be a PS3 and PS4 exclusive in Japan. In short, this means that Xbox players in Japan will not be able to pick up a copy of Destiny for their Xbox 360 or Xbox One. Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia ※ 1 (SCEJA), partnership with Bungie Inc. And Activision Blizzard Inc., In Japan for PlayStation ® 4 PlayStation ® 3 and (PS4 ™) (PS3 ™) exclusive software “Destiny” We decided to release on Thursday September 11, 2014 as a PlayStation ® platform monopoly, the (Destiny). At this point it is unconfirmed

Exclusive PlayStation Content Detailed

Playstation revealed what their Destiny-exclusive content will be. I’ve included the full blog post below, but you can also read it on their site. This is a timed-exclusive. [divider] During last week’s PlayStation E3 2014 Press Conference, you might remember the illustrious Adam Boyes noting that PlayStation owners were set to receive a ton of exclusive Destiny content — literally too much to detail in the show itself. Now that the E3 hubbub has died down, I asked Bungie and the PlayStation elders to share those details right here on PlayStation.Blog for the first time. At launch, PS4 and PS3 owners will get exclusive access to a unique co-op