Where’s Xûr?

Published on: November 27, 2015 @ 3:05

Xûr, Agent of the Nine has arrived with a fresh stock of Exotics.


Where is Xûr?

Xûr is located near the Tower Vanguards. He’ll be available until the reset on Sunday (1 AM Pacific, 11/29).


Item Class Subclass Buy? Strange Coin
The 4th Horseman Yes 23
Legacy Special Engram Maybe 31
Helm of Saint-14 (66/81 INT) Titan Defender Yes 13
Crest of Alpha Lupi (45/65 INT, 47/67 STR) Hunter Any Maybe 13
Light Beyond Nemesis (59/74 INT) Warlock Any Maybe 13
Curios Type Buy? QTY Price
Glass Needles Material Yes 3 3 SC + 3 Motes + 1 Exotic Shard
Void Drive Vehicle Upgrade No 1 23 SC
Plasma Drive Vehicle Upgrade No 1 23 SC
Three of Coins Consumable Yes 5 7 SC


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