Destiny’s first Raid was released today, and a group at PrimeGuard was the first to complete it – it took them 10 hours and 42 minutes!
For those who are curious about their clear here’s some random stats:
- They died a combined total of 1,606 times
- 5,733 kills happened during the clear
- An average K/D Ratio of 3.59
- 1,388 Precision Kills were performed
- Successfully ressurected another Guardian 166 times
- Their average lifespan was 2 minutes and 22 seconds
To see some of the raid-specific gear, check out this article.
[divider]As more strategies and guides are released, this article will be updated.
[toggle title=”Guide by F8L Fool” state=”close” ]Original post
Boss #1: Open the Vault of Glass
Objective(s): Summon a Conflux using Sync Plates while keeping Praetorian’s out of them
Enemies: Goblin, Harpy, Praetorian
Guardian Grouping: 2-2-2
The first encounter in the Vault of Glass is a rather simple fight with only a single phase and one real mechanic. You must simultaneously activate and maintain three Sync Plates at three different locations in the entrance hall, in order to build a Conflux. The Conflux opens the entrance to the Vault of Glass after it has been channeled long enough. While the Conflux is being constructed, a steady stream of Vex will attempt to disrupt the process.
The Encounter
In order to handle the Vex you should break up into pairs to defend each Sync Plate. The locations of the plates, enemy spawn points and their pathing, as well as where the Guardians should be standing can be seen in the image below.
Each Guardian should focus on the enemy spawn nearest to them. Roughly every other spawn wave a Praetorian will appear. When this happens the most important thing to do is call out where it is (i.e. Back Right Praetorian, Front Left Praetorian, etc.) and focus fire it down. Nothing else matters as much because the Praetorian is the only one that can disrupt the Sync Plates, so they need to die long before they reach them. They are also the most dangerous so they shouldn’t be up long.
The most important role on the map is the G3 slot. Enemies will frequently peel off and loop towards the middle Sync Plate. When this happens pepper them down as best you can and tell the mid they are on their way. You also should be looking towards the right sync plate to put in some damage if they are being overwhelmed, especially if you have a quality scout rifle or assault rifle with bonus ranged effectiveness.
That is literally all there is to the fight. It is just rinse and repeat, clear waves and keep them off the plates long enough for the conflux to spawn.
Objective(s): Defend the confluxes; destroy the Oracles; defeat the Templar within 8 minutes
Enemies: Fanaticm Goblin, Harpy, Minotaur
Level: 26
Guardian Grouping: P1&2 2-2-2, P3 2-1-3Overview
This is the first full on boss rather than mini-boss event in the dungeon. It consists of three phases, two of which have sub-phases within them. For the majority of the fight the boss is hidden behind a shield, completely immobile and rarely performing any task.What makes the fight difficult is the sheer number of things happening at a time along with many foreign mechanics. There is the constant looming threat of the Templar’s Mark of Negation which instantly kills the player that is debuffed, along with a large variant of adds and the first true cleanse mechanics within Destiny.The key is to designate roles to every person along with quadrants they are responsible for. Beyond that a huge amount of responsibility rests with the Relic carrier. Because if the relic carrier dies it must be picked up within seconds or the entire group dies. As long as each person does their assignment this fight is simple. A marathon, sure, but still simple.Phase 1: Defend the Conflux
The start of the fight is fairly straight forward in that you must defend a single Conflux from the invading horde of Vex. They will spawn in three primary locations: back left, back right, and middle. The only catch is a new type of enemy called a Fanatic that drops green pools of slime on the ground upon death.
The pools place a debuff on whoever steps in it called a “Mark of Negation”. You can tell if you have it by a red a red icon above the bottom left HUD that will say “Mark of Negation” next to it.
If you happen to step into a pool for whatever reason, you must quickly get to the very center of the room and get cleansed. A bright white light circle is located there—amid three separate enemy spawn points—that will instantly remove the debuff when you walk into it. The reason you must cleanse ASAP is that the Templar will periodically cast a skill called “Ritual of Negation”, which instantly kills any player that is marked. Avoid getting within melee range of the Fanatics and kill them as fast as you can when you see them.
In order to combat the Fanatic pools and keep all enemies from reaching the Confluxes, I suggest doing the positioning in the following image.
The left and right sides of the map can be handled quite easily by two people without incident. However, every so often a huge zerg of Fanatics will overrun the middle. When this happens at G3 and G4 should peel off and clean them up before they can get far up the stairs.
After a few minutes the middle Conflux will split into two; one on the front and right left. Nothing changes that much aside from the potential pathing of the middle mobs, if they make it up the stairs that is. Just keep defending until the end of the phase.
Phase 2: Destroy the Oracles
In this phase the Fanatics will stop spawning. Additional Goblins will spawn now around the perimeter of the map on concrete perches. They will indefinitely snipe players and have an extremely short respawn timer. Just continuously move and only focus one down if you are low health and forced into cover near one.
The biggest change from P1 is an enemy called an Oracle will appear at one of 8 preset locations repeatedly, for short bursts at a time. They are large, yellow, glowing cubes that grow in size the longer they are up. You will know that one has appeared when a series of chimes or bells rings out, indicating that you must find and dispatch it immediately.
The Oracle locations as well as the adjustments in Guardian positioning can be seen in the next image:
If you happen to let an Oracle finish its song it will place a mark on everyone in the raid. The only way to remove it is by going into the cleanse. Obviously having the entire raid cease what they are doing is dangerous, so the Oracles must die at all times.
Simply continue killing goblins Oracles until the phase ends.
Phase 3: Defeat the Templar
The final phase is the one that requires the most amount of caution and coordination out of the three. The cleanse circle is now disabled but the risk of Mark of Negation remains, thanks to Oracles also being present in this phase and the Relic. If the relic holder dies at any point in this phase the relic will fall on the ground. If it is not picked up within 3-5 seconds the Templar will kill the entire group. Luckily the only enemy that appears are slow moving Harpy’s that only attack if left alone for a long time.
To begin the encounter you must first pick up the Relic. The Relic is a glowing sphere that has now been placed on the inactive Cleanse circle. It is the most important object in the fight and whomever holds it has the most responsibility, by far. Because of that it requires its own mini-tutorial and explanation below. Especially because it will be seen again later on in the raid .
Relic Controls:
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Now that you know what the Relic does you can decide who uses it before picking it up. If you are with someone that is below level 26 they should never carry the Relic, due to the fact they have a higher chance of dying.
Here is the new positioning scheme for the third and final phase, as well as the Oracles each side is responsible for killing:
Once the Relic carrier picks it up the Templar will spawn at the dead center of the map, between the middle and front stairs. He will constantly bombard players just like the boss in the Strike “The Nexus” does. However, he will be encompassed in a giant shield that makes him immune to all attacks. This shield must be taken down and you will use the Relic super to do so.
The super takes some time to charge but you can shorten it dramatically by killing Harpy’s. Keep the relic carrier on the back left side with a single person. This is to serve two purposes: 1.) guard their partner by killing Harpy’s full time, which allows the non-relic player to scan the entirety of the left side for Oracles, and 2.) keeps them out of the line of fire from the boss.
This tandem will take care of 100% of the left side Oracles that spawn and should never need assistance, thanks to the enormous burst damage of the relic.
The right side should be taken care of by the remaining four players. They must keep the side clear of Harpy’s and every Oracle in order to have clean transitions to the non-shield phases.
If at any time an Oracle should get the Mark of Negation cast off everyone should immediately collapse on to the relic carrier. You will be able to see where the Relic is at all times because he will have a grey and white star on him. After grouping up the carrier then uses to remove the mark and the players return to their original positions.

Once the super is nearly charged the relic carrier should tell the group he is going to bring down the shield. Everyone should then drop what they are doing, unless it is killing an oracle, and beeline towards the boss. When the shield falls unload on it and try to aim for the white light on the front of it to do bonus precision damage.
This fight is simply rinse and repeat during the third phase. What makes it difficult is always having maximum up time on the boss when he shield is down. If you do not have everyone up constantly and to the boss when the shield falls, you run the risk of the fight going too long.
Once the fight reaches 7 minutes he will let out a red warning that he is about to Enrage. A minute later he will enrage and start spawning Minotaurs and Goblins. Don’t panic: all hope isn’t lost. You can still kill the boss if it is low health so long as you quickly dispatch the Minotaurs and group up. Although I suggest simply wiping the group if within the first minute or so you have a few deaths, rather than risking an enrage.
Continue to bring down the shield, do damage during it, and kill oracles until the boss is dead.
Boss #3: The Gorgon’s Labyrinth
Objective(s): Sneak by the Gorgon’s unseen
Enemies: Gorgons
Level: N/A
Guardian Grouping: 6
After killing the templar you will traverse the side of the wall and then reach a huge hole. Back up and sprint towards the edge and jump as far into the hole as you can get, away from the left wall. Don’t use double jump until you are very near the ground or else you will die.
Once you land you’ll be in a dark cave along with a few fluorescent Gorgon’s. They are very slow and path around in a preset pattern. They will not notice you if you crouch and walk behind them, stand on an elevated surface, or hide just outside of their rather short range. The closer you get to their visibility range the faster a beeping noise will become.
Due to the absolute absurdity that is this mini-event I was unable to plot out an exact route to put in words. The way that we managed to do it was following the entire right side until we were forced to veer left. Then we went through a crack and followed the lefthand wall until the exit.
Please check back for a video of the process or a text walkthrough if I am able to discern a logical route.
Boss #4: Atheon
Objective(s): Defeat the gatekeeper; collect the relics from the timegates to build the Conflux; defeat Aetheon
Enemies: Gatekeeper, Goblin, Harpy, Praetorian, Oracle
Level: 27 (P1/2), 28 (P3)
Guardian Grouping: P1 2-2-2; P2 3-3 / 3-2-1 / 6; P3 3-3
This fight combines the aspects of all of the previous encounters and adds even more. You will be getting a Relic, defending separate Sync plates, cleansing debuffs, and much, much more. One of the many difficult parts of this fight is the overwhelming number of directions enemies come from in combination with the sniping power of the Goblins. Combined with the need to split up a great deal and you end up with a ton of personal responsibility.
The key to the entire fight is how you handle the Timegates (activated via Sync Plate) and the Relics. If you manage that well everything else comes down to not dying to a myriad of things.
The Encounter
Phase 1: Kill the Gatekeeper
The first phase is as cookie cutter as they come. Head up to the platform where a ton of dormant Vex are waiting and pick them off. Once the white Vex are cleared out you can start taking aim at the Gatekeeper. With some focus fire it will go down within one or two teleports around the map. Nothing to fear here.
Phase 2: Collect the relics and defend the Conflux
Phase 2 is where all hell starts to break loose. In order to progress to the next phase you must open up a Timegate on either side, go in and kill the Gatekeeper, and take the Relic that it drops back to the present time. This must be done on both sides before the newly spawned Conflux is destroyed by Vex in the middle of the map.
The instant you transition to this phase G1, 2, and 3 need to get in the left gate. It is the harder of the two because of the Praetorians so you want to get it out of the way first. While the Relic trio are in the Timegate the remaining people outside must fend off the Praetorians so they don’t sabatoge the Sync Plate, just like in the very first event of the raid. If they close it while players are inside they will become “Lost in Time” and the entire raid will die. It must stay open until they exit.
This is my setup for keeping the initial Sync Plate safe while the Timegate group gets the relic:
After killing the Gatekeeper and picking up the relic the three players need to exit as fast as possible from thesame side of the gate, so they will be standing just outside the gate together. When they exit they must stand still so the relic carrier can hold and cleanse off the Mark of the Void debuff that is gained when the relic becomes active in the Timegate. The instant the debuff comes off the relic carrier and one of the people from the original Timegate group needs to go to the right one, activate it, and go in.
Two of the remaining people outside will fend off the newly spawning Minotaurs that are coming down the center of the map to destroy the Conflux. The other two will keep the right Sync Plate clear just like they did with the previous one.
This will be the new Guardian distribution after the first Relic is secured:
After the relic carrier and his partner enters the second gate the carrier needs to launch a Super into the middle of the enemy, making sure to hit the boss. The partner should use rockets and grenades to finish off the rest, and then steadily push the gatekeeper up the hill. Once the screen begins to get dark the Relic Carrier needs to and cleanse both himself and his partner, then continue the assault on the gatekeeper.
If for some reason the Timegate group is struggling inside, you can try to use three people like the first gate, but you run the risk of losing the Conflux to minotaurs.
Upon acquiring the second relic make your way outside as safely as possible in order to not drop either relic. If either relic carrier drops their relics at this point it will be an instant wipe, so be cautious. Once outside the entire raid should group up on the Conflux and dispatch any remaining enemies until the event concludes.
Phase 3: Defeat Aethon
There is an eight minute enrage timer, but using this strategy it will be nearly impossible to take that long. If you are running into the 8 minute timer with this method either people are dying or are too low level to kill the boss.
The third and final phase of the fight is the main boss. He has an enormous amount of health, hits very hard, and spawns self-destructing Harpies. He also forcibly transfers the three farthest players—no it is not random like many seem to believe— into the timegate to pick up the relic.
The difference is that this time the exit won’t be open until the people on the outside open it for you. You will also be able to immediately pick up the Relic and the Mark of the Void debuff will again be present. Unfortunately there are also Oracles spawning that must be dealt with immediately or they kill everyone in the timegate and wipe the raid. Because of the Oracles you can’t simply flee the timegate in a hurry and circumvent dealing with frequent Mark of the Void cleansing.
After exiting the timegate you are given a buff called “Time’s Vengeance” which multiplies outgoing damage on Atheon by roughly 5x. You can resume attacking Aethon for thirty seconds until the buff expires, then he will teleport three more people into the timegate. Each time he does this he forces any open Sync Plates and their gate closed and destroys the previous relic, meaning that the relic holder can be teleported as well.
Here is a video of our entire fight using my method. Through the eyes of SneakyBean, a Titan, non-relic timegate player:
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Group Setup
Your entire raid will be divided up into two separate groups of three: timegate players and Present players. The timegate players are the three guardians that will always be entering the timegate during the transition. To accomplish this they must stand the farthest away from the boss, because he will always teleport the three farthest players. This happens 25 seconds into the fight as well as 25 seconds after you exit the timegate.
To prepare for this one player should be standing on top of/in the center of each stone column directly in the center of the Sync Plates. They will constantly be charging up both sides during the Timegate phase, so no matter where you are teleported, you will be able to get out quickly. It also helps to funnel the Harpies away from the gate itself so the timegate group can exit safely. They are simultaneously killing Harpies and cross firing to the other Sync Plate to assist. The third player roams and helps whoever needs it.
The group distribution will look just like this when you first engage the boss:

Guaridians 1-3 are waiting on the ledge in the back for teleport; 5/4 on Sync Plates with 6 roaming and helping both
When the timegate players are teleported inside they must immediately focus down the adds in the center of the room, as fast as possible. You should always save your supers to accomplish this and make the process as painless as possible.
Timegate Rooms
Jungle – In the Jungle room everything except the minotaur should die before you touch the Oracles. Try and line of sight the minotaur in the process. The Relic player should use their Super ( +
) on it as well as doing leaping ground slams (:x: +
) to help stagger and/or finish it off. Just don’t get killed in the process no matter what, or neglect cleansing. After the oracles are gone exit the room regardless of if the minotaur is alive.
Desert – In the Desert room everything should die in mere seconds. The Relic user can jump in and use ground slam to clean up all of the mobs with ease, if any are left up by his teammates that is. Clear the relics while constantly cleansing and make your way out. The best case scenario is to get this room first because you will not have a super to deal with the Jungle quite yet.
***Transition to Present with the Relic***
This is the missing piece of the puzzle for the entire fight. The following method is, in my opinion, the true way this boss is meant to be done.
After downing all Oracles in each room you need to walk out of the gate with all three players in tow. Do not sprint out because it can glitch and keep you in the room. Walk, don’t run. The moment you exit you will start holding to get everyone cleansed then jump on to the square isolated platform that is located between the two Timegates/Sync Plates. The rest of your group will also drop what they are doing and jump there as well.
The relic holder will then hold indefinitely until Time’s Vengeance expires after 25 seconds. During the 25 seconds of the buff you will be able to have the shield up and negate all incoming damage, while allowing all outgoing damage to continue. Make sure that your whole part is to the right of the rock on the left or you will take splash damage when Atheon’s attacks hit it.
When done correctly this is how your raid should appear during “Time’s Vengeance”:

All 6 Guardians are now stacked on the middle platform, while the Relic Carrier shields them with

While the shield is up four out of the 5 remaining players need to be damaging Atheon. The 5th player will be cleaning up the Harpies that are lined up at the edge and shooting at you, so that the Sync Plate players can safely return to their spots.
Once the Time’s Vengeance buff on the bottom left reads 0:02, the three Timegate players will turn around and jump to the platform behind them. The three Present players will jump back to their spots. If you have a highly leveled Defender Titan they should throw down their Ward at 0:02 to help make the leap backwards safer.
Shortly after the debuff expires Atheon will teleport the farthest three players into the opposite Timegate they were previously in. So if you started in the Jungle you will now be in the Desert, then the Jungle, and so on.
From here on out it is rinse and repeat. So long as no one dies, the oracles are cleared quickly, and the group collapses to the center before he stops summoning Harpies the boss will die with time to spare. It is all about flawlessly executing the Timegate while the Present group plays as safe as possible. The boss should die somewhere between 5 and 6 minutes when done properly, easily avoiding the enrage timer.
[toggle title=”PrimeGuard tips” state=”close” ]
Don’t Die!
It sounds obvious, but the simple act of survival is rule number one for our raid group and the importance of the concept really can’t be overstated. Even a lone person dying has serious effects on your entire team! On normal difficulty, it’s at least 30 seconds’ lost damage, which can make the difference between winning a fight and being overrun; on hard difficulty, it’s a lot more than 30 seconds.
How does this manifest itself in fights? Try to minimise risk where possible in your engagements. This includes basics like having solid cover to hide behind and not running into open ground, but also things that require a lot more experience and judgement, like knowing exactly how much damage you can safely deal and take or being consistently aware of enemy snipers/heavies and their lines of sight.
Communicate Concisely
Most raid groups are aware they need to be talking to each other pretty much constantly, but what you choose to communicate and how you do so are big distinguishing factors between the best and the rest. Top-end raid groups don’t just have a raid leader barking instructions—they have a complex combination of enemy type and position callouts, people saying when they’re in immediate danger, when they will need help soon and when they need to change tactics.
In order to stop the party chat descending into chaos, all these things need to be explained concisely. If you see Fanatics spawning from the cave at the back of the Templar fight on the right hand side, “Fanatics cave right!” will do. It’s a brief, informative callout and in a game where it’s impossible to see everywhere, it keeps everybody on the same page. Make sure you develop a system to accurately and quickly call enemy positions.
Save Special Ammo for Special Situations
Your special weapon is just that: it’s a niche weapon for specific situations (whatever Rumble players in Crucible would have you believe). Take the Shotgun, for example. It has a very high and quick damage output at close range compared to the slow burn of a primary weapon, so you’ll want to save it for enemies which need to be finished quickly—try darting in and out with a Shotgun to finish off a half-health Praetorian without taking melee damage. Similarly, sniping a Goblin is a lot less useful than sniping a more dangerous Hobgoblin. Matching the ammo to the enemy is key.
Identify Threats and Focus Fire
A complaint I heard a lot when following threads on Reddit after I’d completed the raid was “how the hell do you kill Praetorians?”. Praetorians are an example of an enemy that isn’t designed to be killed quickly by a single player. If you have to take one on your own, it’s going to be a long fight and you might not survive (see point 1). When a particularly beefy or important enemy spawns, our group will frequently drop what they’re doing and have two or three guys focus fire on it—even from across the room if they can. Better that you take a few seconds out from killing Goblins than your friend gets crushed by a Praetorian!
Know How the Shield Relics Work
We consider Templar and Atheon as being two fights each for a total of four encounters; the shield relics show up in the second, third and fourth encounters and have a variety of uses. Firstly, you can attack with them by firing and if you fire while in the air, you’ll do a Death From Above style area attack. They have a separate super which can be used in the second encounter to temporarily take down the shields on the boss. Thirdly, they have a cleanse function (used by holding the grenade button) which removes harmful debuffs like Marked for Negation and Marked by the Void on nearby players. Finally, if dropped and left on the ground, the shield will explode after 4-5 seconds, killing everybody on your team!
If you’re feeling particularly adventurous and need extra damage on a boss, you can “juggle” the shield by dropping it (use the Switch Weapon button) then firing for a bit and picking it back up. You have to be careful with this method though—we’ve had a few embarrassing deaths where I’ve forgotten to get back to it.
Split Up Sensibly
It helps to have clearly defined subgroups of three and two within your raid team to allow you to quickly split up and move around, because most of the encounters are roughly symmetric rooms with two clearly defined sides. Our world-first team was made up of three Brits and three Americans, so naturally we had Team UK and Team US (these actually became callouts we now use regularly).
Whenever it became apparent we needed to split into three pairs, we had partners to follow. Having these general partner and group systems in place from the start allows you to quickly divide on the fly as you progress through the raid; eventually, it becomes second nature.
Marked for Negation
There are three main buffs or debuffs in the raid; Marked for Negation is the first and applies in the first and second encounters. There are two ways you can get this debuff—either by stepping in the green pools left behind by the Fanatics when you kill them, or leaving an Oracle alive for long enough (which will give the debuff to your entire team). When the Templar casts Ritual of Negation, it will kill anybody with the Marked for Negation debuff and remove all Fanatic pools.
In the first encounter, the only way to remove the debuff is to run into the light in the middle of the room. However, use the light too many times and it will disappear—so try not to stand in the green stuff. In the second encounter, Marked for Negation can also be cleansed using the shield relic—although doing this when your entire team has the debuff does require a lot of movement, so try to kill the Oracles promptly. The Templar fights are really just a check to make sure you’re an organised, co-ordinated group. The best way to deal with Negation is to not get it in the first place.
Marked by the Void
Marked by the Void is the second important debuff and applies in the third and fourth encounters. We refer to the area through the Vex timegates in these encounters as the Void Zone. The first time you go through either Vex timegate, you’ll see a heroic enemy called the Gatekeeper. There are two timegates, so there are two Gatekeepers. From the moment either of these two Gatekeepers is destroyed, anyone inside the Void Zone at any time becomes affected by Marked by the Void, a particularly nasty debuff which makes your vision slowly disappear.
The only way to remove Marked by the Void which doesn’t involve dying is to cleanse it with a shield relic, so anyone who goes into the Void Zone will need to communicate with the player holding the shield relic when they need to be cleansed. Make sure to cleanse again when you leave the Void Zone; you’ll still have the debuff.
Time’s Vengeance
The final important buff, Time’s Vengeance is a 30-second buff which gives a massive damage boost. It’s only present in the fourth encounter, against Atheon. Periodically, Atheon will “open the timestream,” teleporting the three players furthest away from him to the Void Zone. When this happens, a number of Oracles will spawn inside the Void Zone. If the three players in there kill all the Oracles before leaving, all six players in the raid will receive Time’s Vengeance. This buff is essential to killing Atheon before his enrage kicks in and you get overrun.[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Tips by Reddit user DoubleBlindStudy” toggle state=”close” ]
General Tips:
- Have at least one warlock with self-res. It’s a clutch wipe-save.
- Lower levels (less than 25) seem to have a huge problem staying alive and doing enough/any damage to some mobs
- The fireteam leader is the progress saver. So it MIGHT be possible to hop between raid groups unless you actually clear something.
- Bungie has said there are EIGHT bosses. When they said you weren’t gunna be able to clear it one sitting… Guess we know where the extra content was ಠ_ಠ
- Put 2 people on each of the three circles. The mid two can help the sides as needed.
- You DON’T have to stay in the circle once it’s up. But at least one should really stay in it on the sides.
- The Praetorians are the biggest problem really. Call them out and use the proper weapon for the shield (It’s the purple one, w/e that is)
The Templar (pt1)
- Turret Defense! You’re the turrets.
- You defend the middle, then the two sides, then all three.
- The “diseased” mobs drop debuff circles on death. Get rid of your debuffs before the ritual goes off by running into the glowing middle circle
- Said circle has limited uses? Try not to fail
The Templar (pt2)
- Oracles spawn at locations designated by musical tones. They need to die or you’ll wipe due to debuff overload.
- Hobgoblins spawn on the pillars around the arena. I’d recommend putting someone on them before they get outta hand.
The Templar (pt3)
- Put someone good on the relic. They oneshot the problem mobs, cleanse the debuff, and blow up the Templar’s shield.
- Once the shield goes down, someone gets trapped. Pew pew to get out. Just not with a rocket launcher.
- Everyone else PEW PEW the Templar
Gorgon’s maze
- You have to sneak past them. No weapons, no double jump, no supers. Grenades might distract them?
- Cloak does work
- If ANYONE is seen, everyone dies.
- There’s a little cave in the floor you have to find to get past this part
Opening the gate
- Kill the normal gatekeeper
- Split the party. 2-3 go in the portals, others stay out to keep them open and to defend the middle thing.
- Middle thing is turret defense. Minotaurs spawn from the actual gate constantly and are the only mobs that can kill the middle pylon.
- Left has Praetoreans and right has hobgoblins. Both are annoying.
- Kill the gatekeeper in each portal. Grab the relic when you’re done. If it gets dropped for too long you die.
- Relic person has to leave the portal LAST or the people get stuck on the wrong side?
- Debuff here makes you have a black screen. Relic dispels.
- This comment BY EndlessNerd has more
- The stream I was watching is stuck here and is disbanding for the night. It seems to be a common stopping point for all.
CrossCoastGaming & DattoDoesDestiny have some great tips and tricks for us in video form!
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[toggle title=”The Templar” state=”close” ]
[toggle title=”Atheon” state=”close” ]