Another Exotic Hand Cannon has returned from Destiny 1; Hawkmoon, everyone’s favorite RNG bullet dispenser! Surprisingly, the quest to get the weapon is pretty easy. We’ll run through each step below.
Tag: hawkmoon
Hawkmoon Exotic Review
Stalk thy prey and let loose thy talons upon the Darkness. Hawkmoon is a timed PS4 exclusive Exotic Hand Cannon, which will be available for Xbox users Fall 2015. This weapon can be acquired randomly as a reward in PvE or PvP. It is not currently sold by Xûr. 9.6/10 8.9/10 The good: Impact, magazine size. The bad: Rate of fire is low. Conclusion: Great overall. Read the full review here This is an Exotic Weapon Hand Cannon (Primary Weapon) Kinetic Base Damage/Upgraded260/300 Quality Lvl70 Rate of Fire 22 Impact 81 Range 38 Stability 51 Reload 40 Magazine Size