New Guardian Armor Page

Hey guys, I just wanted show you the new Armor page I created for It has lots of different armor loadouts for all three Guardian classes, as well as some more details about armor slots and tiers. [button color=”white” size=”big” link=”” ]Click here to view Armor[/button] Also you can always find the page by clicking the “Armor” button located in the main toolbar.

Destiny Focus: Public Events

Public Events are Bungie’s way of making a big world seem that much bigger. With Fire-Team’s limited to only 3 players, it’s Bungie’s hope that these randomly occurring instances will help the world at large seem brimming with life, as fellow Guardians join a shared-world for a brief time in order to help you complete an objective. It can get lonely out there fighting evil, and whether you’re content to run it alone or are part of a trio of well-versed Guardians, Public Events bring your allies right to your doorstep so that you can fight and fall together in bigger

Destiny Focus: Competitive Multiplayer

There’s a lot to be said for the boundless cooperative campaign that exists at Destiny’s core, but for many, a competitive multiplayer component devised by the same team that bought us the original Halo trilogy is another huge draw in an already sizable game. We already know that Destiny will include a fully-fledged campaign that will be playable in both single-player and cooperative play, whilst the game will also play host to all manner of additional pursuits such as the relatively shrouded trio of Strike, Raid and Bounty. But it’s Faction Wars, the mode that has been loosely associated as

Devil’s Lair Gameplay Analysis

Hello again Guardians! We’ve had an exciting day today, with all the new footage and aspects we’ve learned about the game. However, there are still some things left to be analyzed and speculated upon and thank god there is, otherwise I would be out of a job! (Kidding, this is volunteer work, I just love you guys.) Let’s talk DESTINY. So I’m going to analyze the latest gameplay video “The Devils Lair” but I’m only going to go over the stuff that you might’ve missed, (no one needs an analyst pointing out all the obvious.) I’ll provide some screen shots

A Combined Arms Approach?

All hands on deck, we live or we die Together, together No matter how far we fall apart, We bleed together…. -Young Guns As someone who spent more than 20 years in the US Army, the question is an old one: What’s the best branch in the Army? The infantry guys claim you can’t win without them, the field artillery claims to be the King of Battle, tankers boast about the ridiculous firepower of their ceramic armored steeds and the airborne troops (literally) look down on pretty much everyone. So who’s right? Who IS the best in the Army? The

The Inhabitants of Destiny

So here we are then, having arrived at the fifth and final stop on my brief tour of some of Destiny’s most integral tenets. So far, I’ve taken a look at the personalization elements of the game, the armaments that you’ll have at hand, the lore of the game and the universe itself, whilst here I’ll be concluding my series of previews with a look towards those who will populate the sulfuric marshes, incredible cities and frozen glaciers of Destiny. From the aliens of the Hive to the Guardians of The City and everything in between, let us once more

Food for Thought: The Tower

Hello Guardian comrades. It’s time to refill prescriptions and feed our brains the drugs that are Destiny speculations. This time, we are gonna think long and hard about The Tower and how deeply, or rather how highly intricate it may be. (Get it? Because The Tower is high and tall? So it’s highly intricate? :3 … :c Okay..) [divider] Old News Before we get into the wonderful world of ‘what if’s’ n such, lets take a gander at what we know thus far. The Tower is located within the walls of the last safe city on Earth. It is a third person

The Universe of Destiny

For all of the collating and colonization during an unprecedented time spent amongst the stars, The Collapse has halted humanities rapid ascent dead in its tracks. The Golden Age has ended, and the daunting fear of the unknown has returned. This is the basic pretence for Destiny, and the reason as to why our position in the universe is as fragile as it ever has been. After a long time basking in the warm glow of prosperity, humanity has been forcibly regressed. Here we are, once again a miniscule fleck on the cold cheek of the universe, a race of