Send Us Your Beta Screenshots

Update: Here are the community submitted screenshots Do you have an awesome beta screenshot that you want to show off? Well now is your chance to share your beta journey with the Destiny community. We’re looking for some awesome screenshots to showcase, so send us your best work and we may just feature it here on [divider] How to submit Send us an email at with your screenshot attached (or an imgur link). Give the picture a title, and if you’d like, a one sentence description. The content of the screenshot is up to you. Whether you saw something funny, or

Vanguard Pre-Order Bonus

Bungie just released this video detailing what the Vanguard pre-order bonus will bring. Check out close-ups of the exclusive gear here. Pre-ordering Destiny gives you access to the Vanguard Armory, which includes: Exclusive Weapons Exclusive Armor “High above the City, in the Hall of Guardians, The Vanguard keep watch over Guardians in the wild, arming the best warriors with the upgraded weapons they need to destroy our most dangerous enemies.”

The Beta is Live!

Playstation users, why are you here? You should be playing the Destiny beta right now. Although in all seriousness, the beta has officially launched and is ready for you to explore. After you download the beta (14.3 GB, Codes here)  make sure to delve deep into the world of Destiny. If you’re unsure of where to begin, I recommend blasting your way through the story mode to give you some insight into Destiny’s lore. Or maybe you’re the competitive type, in which case you may want to jump right into the Crucible for some PvP madness. [divider] Helpful Links In

Beta Crucible Gametypes Revealed

During IGN’s livestream,  the Crucible (competitive multiplayer) gametypes available to play in the final game were revealed. During the Beta, the only Crucible mode we’ll get to play will be Control. Thanks to Reddit user bezoing for taking screenshots and putting them into text form. [divider] Ancient Relics Salvage The Arachs of Dead Orbit covet rare artifacts. 3v3. Secure and defend the Relics to claim the secrets of our past. Fireteam: 1-3 Players Competitive Level advantages disabled PS+ Required Rewards: Crucible Gear Crucible Reputation ————————————————————— Executor’s Challenge Skirmish New Monarchy seeks those capable of reclaiming the frontier, one battle at a

Companion App Walkthrough

IGN has had the chance to toy around with Destiny’s companion app for mobile devices. They have made it clear that this is not just another gimmick, but rather a uniquely useful app for players who are not directly in front of their console. It’s available to download for free at the Apple App Store or Google Play! You can also read IGN’s first impressions of the app here.

How to Stream Beta Gameplay from Consoles

Bungie just released this informative guide for those of you looking to stream or share your beta gameplay. [divider] The Destiny Beta launches on July 17th. It’s almost time to share your experiences in the wild with your fans and followers from around the globe. Following these easy steps to stream and share your Destiny gameplay and become legend! Streaming from a PlayStation 4 game console: The PS4 system allows you to quickly and easily broadcast your Destiny adventures via Twitch or USTREAM following these simple steps: 1.      While playing Destiny, press the SHARE button on your DualShock 4 controller.

Weekly Update 7.11.14

Sorry for this being a little late, but you can read this week’s Bungie update below or on Also included is gameplay of the competitive multiplayer map First Light, located on the moon. [divider] Just like the Beta, this coverage will become more elaborate the more time you spend with it. When you’re marshaling thousands of gamers to the front line of a theoretical battle, you don’t have to ask questions. They find you. Instead of a proper Mail Sack, we’ve channeled the loudest and most frequent voices from the community this week. Let’s open… this. Will you release more

Happy Bungie Day!

Well it’s finally 7.7.14 which can only mean one thing..It’s Bungie Day! For those of you who aren’t familiar, Bungie has a healthy obsession with the number 7 which makes today a special day. This is your chance to give a big thank you to the team who has been working so hard to bring you Destiny. Keep your eyes peeled to as well as Bungie’s social media outlets for more interesting news. Also check out IGN at 9:00am PT for more Destiny reveals. We’re back in Washington from our voyage to #RTX2014 and prepping deployments for Bungie Day. Goodnight,