Destiny Community News | Featured Section

Titans Raised the First Wall

By Reddit user athiktos: “You can’t imagine, seeing it now. Seeing this wall around the city. You can’t imagine how scared we were. The Fallen had us running, terrified, helpless. We were dying, and we felt it. Humanity huddled together here under the shadow of our crippled god.” “The sun was setting. They called it Humanity’s last day on Earth. And they called for volunteers. Anyone who could carry a weapon or fire a gun. They went out and joined the line. They carried ancient weapons and dug shallow graves to hide in while the sun painted the clouds blood red

Destiny Community News | Featured Section

This Titan Has Hops

Hey Hunters! Do you think you could out-jump a Titan? Specifically, a Titan from Reddit named CausesChaos who found a little (or rather tall) Destiny glitch while stomping foes in the Crucible. [yframe url=’’]