Hand of Judgment
- Pros – Very high range.
- Neutral – Average reload speed.
- Cons – Poor stability. Below average mag size and aim assist.
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Red Dot-OAS, Red Dot-ORES, Red Dot-ORS1, TrueSight IS
- Hand-Laid Stock, Braced Frame, Perfect Balance, Injection Mold, Smallbore
- High Caliber Rounds/Explosive Rounds, Lightweight, Snapshot
- Hidden Hand/Zen Moment, Crowd Control, Life Support, Outlaw, Eye of the Storm, Firefly
This House of Judgment scout rifle is a rare a drop, but it’s easy to pull a great roll from it. Aim assist is low for scout rifles as a whole, but high on this one. TrueSight is a little cluttered for me, but also adds AA and works great at close range, so it’s a decent trade-off.
In the second column, Hand-laid Stock. It gives a great boost to stability, which this gun sorely needs. Perfect Balance or Injection Mold aren’t too bad.
In column three, none of the choices are amazing, but HCR and Explosive Rounds will both help you with flinching the enemy, and that’s always a great advantage to have.
Finally, Zen Moment to help again with stability, or Hidden Hand. Third Eye is passable, and Crowd Control can make it into a crisp 3 tap.
Cocytus SR4
- Pros – High range.
- Cons – Below average stability, reload speed, aim assist and magazine.
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Torch HS2
- Life Support, Triple Tap, Icarus
- Hand-laid Stock
- Third Eye, Zen Moment, Eye of the Storm, Firefly, Grenadier, Army of One
Recommended PvE Perks:
- Torch HS2
- Triple Tap/Life Support, Icarus
- Extended Mag, Hand-laid Stock
- Firefly, Zen Moment, Third Eye, Eye of the Storm, Grenadier, Army of One
A high risk/high reward weapon that trades heavy hitting bullets for an abysmal rate of fire. In PvE the tradeoff is big damage with a low mag size.
Triple Tap actually comes into play a lot in PvP (due to needing 3 headshots to kill), and helps out with the magazine. In PvE Triple Tap is the go-to for consistently putting damage on bosses.
For the last column, Third Eye is one my favorites for PvP, but Zen Moment will help you in every engagement, and Eye of the Storm is a tremendously underrated perk. Grenadier and Army of One, although their effects are smaller, still make a noticeable difference. Firefly is best for me only because I enjoy seeing the fireworks after each kill.
- Pros – Very fast Time-to-Kill. Very high range.
- Cons – Very low stability and mag size. Low reload speed and aim assist.
Recommended Perks:
- Linear Compensator
- Triple Tap
- Smallbore (PvP), Extended Mag (PvE)
- Triple Double
Another member of the high-impact scout rifle archetype, this is Cocytus on SIVA. Boosting a host of impact increasing barrel perks, you’re going to be doing maximum damage per shot, and Triple Tap and Triple Double are going to help to perfect landing critical hits every time.
Triple Double pulls a second round from your reserves every time Triple Tap activates, so if you play your cards right, you can go a very long time without reloading.
One of the best things about this WoTM weapon is the ability for it to kill in 1 body & 2 headshots, thanks to the barrel perks that increase Impact. That makes it significantly more forgiving than the average low RoF arsenal.
Keystone 01
- Pros – Very fast Optimal Time-to-Kill. Very high range.
- Cons – Very low aim assist and stability. Low mag size. Below average reload speed.
Best Vendor Perks:
- Focus Lens FLA5 or Red Dot-ORA
- Lightweight
- Perfect Balance
- Crowd Control
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Reflex
- High Caliber Rounds/Explosive Rounds
- Perfect Balance, Smallbore, Third Eye, Unflinching, Outlaw
- Hidden Hand, Crowd Control, Zen Moment, Firefly
Statistically the Keystone just isn’t the best of the bunch, but numbers aren’t everything. The vendor version has a decent roll. Focus Lens improves target acquisition but the zoom is a bit much. For its flaws, in general, it’s a great stop-gap weapon until you can get your hands on something better.
Lethe Noblesse
- Pros – Very high stability. Above average reload speed and mag size.
- Neutral – Average range.
- Cons – Below average aim assist.
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Reflex, OEG Riflescope
- Crowd Control, Life Support, Eye of the Storm, Zen Moment, Triple Tap, Icarus
- Hand-laid Stock, Perfect Balance, Injection Mold, Smallbore
- Hidden Hand, Third Eye, Reactive Reload, Grenadier, Army of One
A very forgiving weapon, similar most to Hung Jury. The Reflex sight, combined with Hidden Hand, can give it enough Aim Assist to really be a comfortable gun for PvP. Crowd Control can bump up the damage enough to make it kill in 3 crits, and is also useful for PvE.
Tuonela SR4
- Pros – Very high stability.
- Neutral – Average reload speed.
- Cons – Below average range and aim assist. Low mag size.
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Torch HS2
- Life Support, Triple Tap
- Extended Mag, Rifled Barrel, Hand-laid Stock
- Zen Moment/Third Eye, Eye of the Storm, Firefly, Grenadier, Army of One
This archetype is easier to use, but is the least rewarding in competitive play. Needing only two out of four landed shots to be crits makes it forgiving as can be though.
The LS/EM combo doesn’t make me rely on Triple Tap to get more ammo. Needing to hit a third crit shot to activate Triple Tap takes that away, and simply makes this gun a slower MIDA.
- Pros – High mag size and range. Above average aim assist and stability.
- Cons – Slow optimal TtK. Very low reload speed.
Recommended Perks:
- SPO-28
- Perfect Balance/Hammer Forged, High Caliber Rounds, Fitted Stock
- Hidden Hand, Zen Moment, Unflinching, Triple Tap, Outlaw
- Smallbore/Hand-laid Stock, Injection Mold
Anyone can use this, but not many do. Skilled MIDA and Cocytus users will take you down every time.
Burning Eye (Adept)
- Pros – High range, stability, and reload speed. Above average aim assist.
- Neutral – Average mag size. Trials loot.
Recommended Perks:
- Accurized Ballistics
- Smallbore
- Explosive Rounds
- Third Eye or Zen Moment
Accurized Ballistics actually increases the impact and damage enough to kill low armor Guardians with only three headshots. Smallbore will boost both range and stability at the cost of a couple rounds from the magazine, and Explosive Rounds will assist you in making it nearly impossible for other players to directly engage you to return fire.
Cryptic Dragon
- Pros – High stability and mag size. Above average reload speed and aim assist.
- Cons – Slow optimal Time-to-Kill. Below average range.
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Red Dot-OAS, Red Dot-ORES, Red Dot-ORS1, TrueSight IS
- Crowd Control, Zen Moment
- Braced Frame, Hand-laid Stock, Injection Mold, Explosive Rounds, High Caliber Rounds
- Reactive Reload
Everyone needs this. In casual Crucible, this gun is very easy to use. Perks like Crowd Control and Reactive Reload can bring down the number of total shots needed and make it more competitive.
In the middle column, Braced Frame is the optimal choice thanks to the high mag size, but if you don’t mind decreasing the range stat then either Hand-laid Stock or Injection Mold.
The Wounded
- Pros – High stability, range, and reload speed.
- Neutral – Average aim assist.
- Cons – Slow optimal Time-to-Kill. Below average mag size.
Best Vendor Perks:
- Reflex
- High Caliber Rounds
- Perfect Balance or Outlaw
- Zen Moment
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Reflex
- High Caliber Rounds/Explosive Rounds
- Perfect Balance, Smallbore, Unflinching, Outlaw
- Hidden Hand, Crowd Control, Zen Moment, Firefly
Another perfect beginner’s scout rifle. There are almost no drawbacks to using it, and the vendor roll is fantastic. This may be one of the best all-around weapons in the game.
The perk recommendations for dropped weapons are the exact same as the Keystone from Dead Orbit, as they have identical perk layouts despite being in different archetypes.
The Distant Star
- Pros – Very high reload speed. High aim assist.
- Cons – Low range. Below average stability and mag size.
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Iron Red Dot, Iron Warrior, Iron Ranged
- Perfect Balance, Smallbore, Braced Frame, Hammer Forged, Injection Mold, Hand-laid Stock
- High Caliber Rounds, Full Auto
- Zen Moment/Hidden Hand, Life Support, Crowd Control, Eye of the Storm, Icarus, Firefly, Triple Tap
A member of the MIDA-archetype, but unlike the MIDA it doesn’t possess a large magazine.
The high zoom Ranged Scope is surprisingly snappy and adds aim assist but the zoom is a little much for most PvP maps, while the Red Dot has less zoom and an open sight picture, and the Warrior Sight is the best for close quarter encounters.
Base stats aren’t great, but the draw to use it is still there, because Perfect Balance makes it feel so good. Hammer Forged is the last of the good perks; Injection Mold and Hand-laid Stock both decrease range.
In the third column, High Caliber Rounds is amazing, but so is Full Auto.
Finally, the usual perks are my favorites, but try Eye of the Storm – it’s woefully underused but actually helpful.
Angel’s Advocate
- Pros – Very high reload speed. High aim assist.
- Cons – Low range and mag size. Below average stability.
Best Vendor Perks:
- Any
- Outlaw
- Explosive Rounds or Smallbore
- Reactive Reload
Recommended PvP Perks:
- Reflex
- Life Support/Zen Moment, Outlaw, Eye of the Storm, Icarus
- Perfect Balance, Smallbore, Hand-laid Stock, Explosive Rounds, High Caliber Rounds
- Hidden Hand, Third Eye, Reactive Reload, Firefly
This is MIDA’s other cousin.
Warning: Explosive Rounds can cause Outlaw not to proc if the damage from an explosion kills the enemy instead of the actual critical hit.
If you happen to get a random roll, try to increase stability, which really hurts the faster RoF archetypes like this one. Smallbore isn’t a bad option since it also improves on the not so great range, but the mag size is not very large to begin with.
- Pros – High stability and aim assist. Very high mag size.
- Cons – Requires landing a lot of shots to kill. Very low range. Low reload speed.
Recommended Perks:
- SPO-28
- Perfect Balance/Hammer Forged, High Caliber Rounds, Fitted Stock
- Full Auto, Hidden Hand, Unflinching, Counterbalance
- Smallbore/Hand-laid Stock, Injection Mold
Gameplay Review
The SPO-28 sight will give you a small AA boost, and Full Auto is necessary to take advantage of this gun’s surprisingly fast TtK. If you don’t get Full Auto, it’s very difficult to fire fast.
Any combination of the other bolded perks will work well. Perfect Balance and Smallbore, or Hammer Forged and Hand-laid Stock are the top picks.
The Hero Formula
- Pros – High mag size. Very high aim assist.
- Neutral – Average stability.
- Cons – Requires landing a lot of shots to kill. Very low range. Low reload speed.
Recommended Perks:
- Reflex
- Zen Moment/Life Support, Outlaw, Eye of the Storm, Icarus
- Braced Frame, Perfect Balance, Smallbore, Explosive Rounds, High Caliber Rounds, Hand-laid Stock, Hammer Forged
- Hidden Hand, Firefly, Third Eye, Reactive Reload
Unfortunately, this gun can’t roll with Full Auto.
Zen Moment & Braced Frame would be my go-to, since it will give it a huge amount of stability. Or Explosive Rounds, which on a high-RoF scout, proves to be a most entertaining gimmick.