Published on: Oct 26, 2015 @ 23:41
Warning: Lots of videos in this article.
It’s become a bit of a catchphrase, but it was another exciting week in the world of Destiny. The first Iron Banner has come and gone, and the guys put some serious time into it. Thankfully the loot bug will be fixed next time.
A listener asked about sidearms, and with the Ironwreath, CR agreed that the right roll can make a sidearm deadly. It’s tough to put down a shotgun or sniper at this point, but future balances might really bring them to the foreground.
After Iron Banner chat, Bones clarified some things about the Crucible Radio mantra – last week, the guys had made a statement that needed an explanation. CR firmly believes that when you die, it’s your fault.
But what does this entail? When you die, there are many things that you can control. Positioning, weapon choice, movement, etc. There are of course many things you cannot control – spawn location, lag, or dropping into a game in progress where other players already have a full Super.
But Bones reiterated how important it is to only consider what you can control; don’t worry about what gun the other player is using, or how your teammates are playing. Focusing on your game and your game alone will allow you to hone in on what’s happening immediately in front of you, as well as maintain a clear head while playing.
Crucible Radio’s Y2 Exotic Weapon Grades
This ranking is for PvP
It’s been long enough for a meta to develop, and for many Guardians to collect nearly every new exotic weapon in The Taken King. PlanetDestiny will also have an Exotic tier list video/article to go even more in-depth than we did on the podcast.
So which ones should you be using in the Crucible? Swain, Birds, and Bones have the report card:
S Tier
Bolt-Caster: S
The projectile makes it a total PvP standout among the Blades. What’s your favorite heavy Exotic? Vote here!
Tlaloc: S
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The Chaperone: S-
The tough quest is worth the struggle – The Chaperone is a weapon that requires practice but will reward those who work hard. When shotguns get nerfed, the Chaperone might rise above.
It’s got the speed of MIDA with even higher impact – too bad only Warlocks get it! Tlaloc is the best of the bunch. We have 2 videos for it, so you know it’s good.
A Tier
The Jade Rabbit: A
Like a good exotic weapon should, the Jade Rabbit has more perks than what are listed in the UI. Make sure you’re keeping in mind the high range stat – it won’t work as well on smaller maps.
No Time To Explain: A-
The Stranger’s Rifle was great in the Crucible – now it’s back with more ammo.
Zhalo Supercell: A-
Solid base stats on a gun that in the right hands, can do work. When the Exotic perk procs, it will bring you joy. It’s wonderful. So much better for PvE though!
B Tier
Hereafter: B+ (6v6) / C (3v3)
With such a high natural aim assist stat and a fun exotic perk, the Hereafter does well in 6v6 playlists. Unfortunately, it cannot revive snipe, so Bones gives it a C when it comes to 3v3.
Ace of Spades: B+
A sturdy but relatively unexciting hand cannon. If you like HCs, it will probably suit you just fine.
Boolean Gemini: B+
The scout with choices – a sturdy weapon that suits multiple playstyles. Everyone should (and probably has) tried it, at least a few times.
Fabian Strategy: B+
A Titan exclusive auto rifle, it feels good but might be bugged. Learn more about how to get Class Exotic Weapons here.
Touch of Malice: B
Subpar in PvP, it’s well known that the ToM is be better suited for King’s Fall and PvE in general. It gets nasty when a great player takes one into Rumble though…
C Tier
Sleeper Stimulant: F for fun (C+)
The Sleeper is an entertaining gun to use, and it certainly will grant you some kills, but in a highly competitive environment a rocket launcher is still the best choice. Or what about Exotic Swords? Well then you gotta get the Bolt-Caster.
The First Curse: C-
Nothing near its sister weapon, The Last Word. Has an exotic perk that seems to be negated by a small magazine size.
D Tier
Black Spindle: D+
There’s no reliable reason to use the Spindle in PvP. Sure, it can kill a Sunbreaker, but is that really worth its Exotic status?
Telesto: D
Delay isn’t favorable in Destiny’s arenas. It’s the last thing you want when someone is in close range, and unless you need Postmortem medals, don’t use it for PvP.