How to Access New Area on the Moon

Published on: Oct 12, 2014 @ 22:38

This article may contain spoilers!

As we mentioned in our “In Other News” article, some new DLC areas have been revealed. These areas are obviously unfinished and bare, but they are cool to explore.

The following video shows off the area, that’s likely part of the Dark Below expansion coming in December. Maybe an area for a mission or strike, or even the raid?[divider]

The Dark Below secret location overview

YouTube user Path Finder shows how he got to the secret area. And of course, there isn’t much to do in the unfinished area besides wander around.

Video: How to Acess


We also recently covered the The Hypogeum and how to enter that area. Check out this video to learn how:


Expansion Pass Giveaway

If you haven’t already heard, we’re giving away a total of 7 expansion passes in celebration of our Planet Destiny rebrand! The giveaway ends at the end of this month. You can find more about that in this article.