Greetings, Guardians! Hope you’re doing well. Xur is at the Tower this weekend. Read on to browse his wares.
This week, for 29 Legendary Shards, Xur carries:

D.A.R.C.I. is an Exotic Sniper Rifle with some interesting tools. Its Personal Assistant Exotic Perk gives health and other information of targets while scoped in. Once you’ve chosen a target, Target Acquired kicks in, grabbing higher precision damage and acquisition.
And for 23 Legendary Shards, Xur offers:
Transversive Steps

Transversive Steps are a very handy pair of Warlock boots. Their Strange Protractor perk gives you a general boost to sprint speed, while automatically keeping your Energy Weapon topped off. Grab a set and feel the speed.

For Hunters that want to move faster, jump higher, and slide further, Xur provides some St0mp-EE5s. Their Hydraulic Boosters perk… does everything I said in the last sentence, and that’s great, because mobility is generally a very nice thing.

They’re mean, they’re green, and they may have a mind of their own. The Synthoceps are a set of Titan arms whose Biotic Enhancements make a Titan’s favorite activities — punching things and firing Supers — even better. The Enhancements give approximately 50% more melee range intrinsically, but when surrounded by three or more enemies, they gear up and give damage bonuses to melees and Supers. The Synthoceps are much better than they used to be; give them a try.
Xur also carries an Exotic Engram, providing a random piece of Exotic armor for 97 Legendary Shards, along with the Exotic Quest “The Question.”
The Witch Queen DLC added Legendary weapons and armor to Xur’s weekly drops, at 50 Legendary Shards and 1000 Glimmer per item. They are:
- Dire Promise (Hand Cannon)
- Seventh Seraph VY-7 (Energy SMG)
- Arsenic Bite-4b (Energy Bow)
- Long Shadow (Sniper Rifle)
- Hollow Words (Fusion Rifle)
- Outrageous Fortune (Grenade Launcher)
- Royal Entry (Rocket Launcher)
- Woven Firesmith Set [Head, Arms, Torso, Legs, Cloak] (Hunter)
See you next week!