“Yours. Not mine.” —Renegade Hunter Shin Malphur to Dredgen Yor The Last word is an Exotic hand cannon. Compare the Exotic hand cannons here. 9.5/10 5/10 The good: Super fast RoF & full auto. The bad: PvE utility is minimal. Conclusion: Still one of the best 1v1 PvP weapons. This is an Exotic WeaponHand Cannon (Primary Weapon) Kinetic Base Damage280/? Best In?PvP Rate of Fire 32 Impact 68 Range 8 Stability 22 Reload 56 Magazine Size 8 Aim Assist 30 Equip Speed 20 Recoil Direction 100 Zoom 15 Talent Upgrades Tree Fan Fire The weapon can be fired quickly and