Redacted. Secret Handshake is a Legendary special shotgun. This weapon is purchasable from the Vanguard Quartermaster. 9.3/10 8.9/10 The good: Highest RoF, great stability, fast reload speed. The bad: Lowest Impact, poor base range. Conclusion: Shot Package + Hammer Forged is a deadly combo. Read the full review here This is a Legendary WeaponShotgun (Special Weapon) Arc Base Damage/Upgraded272/331 Quality Lvl60 Rate of Fire 35 Impact 36 Range 11 Stability 37 Reload 48 Magazine Size 6 Aim Assist 71 Equip Speed 77 Recoil Direction 53 Zoom 12 Talent Upgrades Tree (from the vendor) Arc Damage This weapon causes Arc damage.