Despite the Breakers’ treachery, Her Majesty still stands. Queenbreakers’ Bow is an Exotic special fusion rifle. This weapon is obtained after completing The Elder Cipher Exotic bounty. 8/10 8.2/10 The good: The only Fusion+Sniper, tons of ammo. The bad: Mediocre final perk, shot travel time. Conclusion: Fun, best used in close-medium range, high-skill PvP players will love it. This is an Exotic WeaponFusion Rifle (Special Weapon) Arc Base Damage365 Quality Lvl70 Impact 22 Range 60 Stability 30 Reload 65 Charge Rate 22 Magazine Size 6 Aim Assist 80 Equip Speed 50 Recoil Direction 60 Zoom 25 Talent Upgrades Tree Arc