Is That Worth Buying?

Published on: Mar 6, 2015 @ 3:10 Xûr is in town offering new gear. What’s worth your hard-earned Strange Coins? Remember to finish the Urn of Sacrifice quest before he leaves! [divider] Inventory Item Class Subclass Type Strange Coin Ice Breaker Any Any Sniper Rifle 17 Helm of Saint-14 Titan Defender Helm 13 Young Ahamkara’s Spine Hunter Gunslinger Gauntlets 13 Skull of Dire Ahamkara Warlock Voidwalker Helm 13 Be sure to test your luck with Exotic Chest Engrams! [divider]Ice Breaker This sniper rifle hits like it has the Traveler’s weight behind it. It has very high Impact rating, so precision shots will be