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Published on: Jan 15, 2015 @ 21:26 Iron Banner requires your best gear to do well, but map knowledge and player awareness is also just as important (if not more so). If you haven’t played in the Iron Banner yet, click here. If you haven’t already seen our complete Control guide, with strategies for each map, click here.[divider] First and foremost, map control is key. Just about every map has an advantageous control point, a disadvantageous control point, and a neutral point which dictate the general area where your team will spawn. In Firebase Delphi for example, control point C is
Published on: Jan 13, 2015 @ 1:11 What is Iron Banner? The Iron Banner seeks great champions to lead the fight against the Darkness. It was born to honor the Iron Lords and their efforts in the earliest days of the City. Iron Banner will last until January 20th, 4 AM EST. In normal Crucible matches, your character level and equipment’s Attack/Defense stats do not matter, as all weapons deal the same base damage relative to their archetype. However, in matches where Level Advantages are enabled (IB & Trials of Osiris), those stats do matter and will function similarly – though not
Published on: Nov 22, 2014 @ 5:23 Control zones for additional point bonuses for your team. Capture and hold zones, and then rack up kills against the enemy team while your point bonuses are active. If you’d like to learn more about Salvage, click here. For more general PvP tips about all of the modes, click here. For Iron Banner tips, check out this video: Most of these maps have been updated with the latest patch, which you can read in here. [divider]General Control Tips Zone Neutralized Neutralize a Control zone +25 Zone Control x1 Kill bonus for holding one zone in Control
Published on: Nov 15, 2014 @ 21:50 The Iron Banner is a Faction led by Lord Saladin (vendor), a veteran of the Battle for Twilight Gap. A hero to the City and a legend in his own right, Saladin led the City’s defense during the Battle for the Twilight Gap. His protégés, Commander Zavala and Lord Shaxx, now lead the Tower’s Vanguard and the Crucible, respectively. Saladin remains close to Zavala (Titan Vanguard), though his relationship with Shaxx has been strained since the Twilight Gap. [divider]What is the Iron Banner? The Iron Banner seeks great champions to lead the fight against the
Published on: Nov 15, 2014 @ 15:09 In Iron Banner matches, your gear is incredibly important, and a player that’s using Legendary and Exotic items (fully upgraded) will be extremely deadly. The next Iron Banner event is coming Tuesday, 11/18 [divider]Overview Here’s a rundown on a few important things to keep in mind: You don’t earn Iron Banner rep when you lose, but you will earn an IB Medallion that’ll convert into reputation once you win your next match. Wearing IB Emblems/Shaders each give you a stacking +10% reputation boost. Wearing an Iron Banner class item (Rank 2) grants an additional +10% The new Iron Banner gear will allow you to reach
Published on: Oct 7, 2014 @ 3:09 In Iron Banner matches, your gear is incredibly important, and a player that’s using Legendary and Exotic items (fully upgraded) will be extremely deadly. It’s not required, but it’s best to be at least level 20 when participating in the Iron Banner. Video: Iron Banner Overview [divider] Overview Here’s a rundown on a few important things to keep in mind: You can earn Iron Banner and Faction reputation by wearing a Faction class item. If you’re going for Rank 3, remember to swap to an Iron Banner class item. You don’t earn Iron Banner rep. when you lose; wins earn you 25