all house of wolves content leak

House of Wolves: Do or Die

Published on: Mar 23, 2015 @ 3:46 With House of Wolves not so far around the corner, all eyes have turned to one question: what can Bungie do to alleviate the Destiny fatigue? But while discussing House of Wolves with members of the community, I also began to wonder if our expectations for the next expansion were entirely realistic. I found myself saying things like, “If House of Wolves doesn’t have A, B, C… then I’ll be truly disappointed,” and when looking back, I realized asking so much in such a short span of time would mean guaranteed disappointment. But

house of wolves release date

House of Wolves Images!

Published on: Feb 3, 2015 @ 11:00 Update: Trials, Gear Upgrades, and more are outlined here. Reddit user megamanexe4 uncovered what appears to be much of the new content for the House of Wolves expansion! We already outlined all of this content (and more) in another article, but now we have images of the Crucible and Vanguard gear. Click on an image to enlarge it. Luke Smith recently admitted to a few mistakes that he promises will not happen in the House of Wolves, so be sure to check out those comments if you haven’t already. May 19th is the date that the House of

house of wovles expansion

All House of Wolves Content (Q2)

Published on: Jan 12, 2015 @ 17:49 If you missed our giant TDB/HoW article, where we outlined all of this information months ago, this article will focus specifically on the House of Wolves content. Warning: Possible spoilers below! Keep in mind that some of this information is not final and will change. There’s also tons of images for House of Wolves Legendary gear to drool over. Check out what’s known about the Reef “social space” in this article. [divider] Exotics Armor Class Eternal Warrior Titan ACD/0 Feedback Fence Titan Peregrine Greaves Titan ExoTac Angel Hunter Hunter Ikaheka’s Hooks Hunter Unremarkable Bones Hunter The