Material Farming Guide

Published on: Sep 28, 2014 @ 21:23 We’ve shared a handful of farming tutorials in the past, but in this article we’ll provide you all with a complete and comprehensive guide specifically for Materials. We’ll go over the Materials in Destiny that are essential to upgrading your items as well as the best spots to gather them. [divider] Planetary Materials These materials can be found in the environment or in chests. Spinmetal will be on Earth, Helium Filaments on the Moon, Spirit Bloom on Venus, and Relic Iron on Mars. Patrol activities on each planet are ideal for exploring and gathering Materials. You

Destiny Focus: Fuelling the Adventurer

A lone wanderer dwarfed by the foreign land before him, your Guardian is a vessel for the exploration of this vastly broken world. In Destiny, it’s up to you to find the answers we seek. These are answers about humanities bloody past and its daunting future. These are answers about the fate of earth and its colonies beyond the starts. These are answers about how we’ve arrived at such a perilous juncture, our species now closer to extinction than it has ever been before.  In Destiny, you are the light that will lift the Darkness, the conduit for the truth