Subroutine IKELOS: Status=complete. MIDNIGHT EXIGENT: Status=still in progress. Sleeper Simulant is an Exotic heavy fusion rifle; click here to learn how to complete its Quest. 7.2/10 8.6/10 The good: Fun & powerful. The bad: Ricochet isn’t very helpful. Conclusion: Worth your Exotic slot? Depends on the situation. This is an Exotic WeaponFusion Rifle (Heavy Weapon) Solar Base Damage290/330 Best In?PvE Impact 100 Range 70 Stability 10 Reload 65 Charge Rate 10 Magazine Size 3 Aim Assist 70 Equip Speed 20 Recoil Direction 20 Zoom 17 Weapon Review The Sleeper has awoken! Bungie’s best-kept secret turned out to just be waiting