External Rules
- Substitutions: Substitutions are allowed anytime in the Qualifier brackets, but substitutes may not play for more than one team.
- Prize/Payout: Only the players who play in the final round of the tournament will be awarded.
- Locked Rosters: All rosters must be locked prior to the quarter-finals of the finals bracket.
- Top team on the bracket gets host, then you switch back on forth until the series is over.
- If a team is caught cheating (whether intentional or unintentional), take screenshot(s) and/or video capture evidence, continue on and finish the match, then report the conditions afterwards to a PVP Legends Admin on Discord.
- Post your “evidence” in the Discord chat title, “Dispute.”
- Do not pause or stop the match to complain about or report cheating.
- The admins and tournament organizers will determine if a game should be replayed or if a team will have that specific match forfeited.
In-Game Rules
- Light Level: Disabled
- Format: 4v4
- Console: PS4
- Global Tourney: 1 North American player per team required
- Time Limit: 12 minutes (every match)
- Best of: 3 for each Qualifier round
- Gamemodes and Maps: “per round” listed in Bracket
- All score limits set to Default, except Supremacy – set to 100
- If a match ends in a tie, redo until a winner emerges
Match Hosting & Lag
- Match Hosting: If your team is the top team on the bracket, your team will host the first match in the series. The opposing team will host the second and third game (if needed).
- The hosting team gets to choose Alpha or Bravo.
- In Game Lag: If a team is lagging to the point where the match is considered incredibly lopsided or unplayable, continue on and finish the match, then report the conditions afterwards to a PVP Legends Admin on Discord along with recorded video evidence.
- Do not pause or stop the match to complain about or report lag.
- The admins and tournament organizers will determine if a game should be replayed or if a team will have that specific match forfeited.
- Disconnected Teammates: If a teammate lags out before the game reaches the halfway point (determined by the leading teams score), then the game must be restarted.
- If this happens twice in a row, then the opposing (non-lagging) team is allowed to either offer yet another restart, or, to officially give the lagging team a ‘loss’ for that particular game.
Restrictions / Bans
- Teams are not allowed to use duplicate subclasses (e.g. only one Stormcaller, Voidwalker, Nightstalker, etc is allowed per-team)
- The Bladedancer perk ‘Backstab’ is not permitted
Players may not compete with an armor stat higher than 7, or a recovery stat higher than 8. Chest pieces that grant additional armor are allowed (chest pieces grant +1 armor), but your players grand total armor value may not exceed 7. You can use this chart to calculate your guardians armor level:
- The following weapons are not permitted
- Picking up or using Heavy Ammo is not permitted
- The weapon perk ‘Luck in the Chamber’ is not permitted on any weapon
- Class specific weapons (Tlaloc, Stillpiercer, Immobius, etc) are not permitted
- Year 1 shotguns that have either the ‘Crowd Control’ or ‘Kneepads’ perks are not permitted
- Exotic armor is not permitted at any time
- With the exception of ‘Memory of Jolder’, all Rise of Iron ‘Memory of’ artifacts are not permitted
- Year 1 armor pieces with the specific perk, ‘Special Weapon Ammo’ are not permitted (armor with specific +ammo perks such as ‘shotgun ammo’, ‘sniper rifle ammo’, etc are allowed)
- No jumping off the map or any other forms of intentional suiciding
- Use of the ‘Shadestep Glitch’ (not the perk, the glitch) is not allowed
- If any team is caught intentionally breaking the above rules (with screencapped or video recorded evidence) the appropriate actions will be taken by the Tournament Organizers.
- Created & Produced by, FarCognitions
- Created & Written by, Fallout_Plays
- Lead Organizer, GUNZ_R_UZ
Individual Contributions