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Click here to check out the Iron Banner & Trials gear.
“Do you like it better when Lord Saladin oversees these matches?”–Lord Shaxx
We know you’ve missed him, along with his partner in competition, Brother Vance. The chatter we monitor from our listening stations has demanded their return. There are many among you who are hungry to single out the heroes of the new combat meta.
It’s the next logical spoke in the wheel of carnage and mayhem that we’re spinning. Destiny Year Two is almost a month old. The Guardians have risen in droves to confront the Taken. Emerging victorious from a new campaign to defend our home from a new threat, you’ve learned some new talents of war. Your armory has become infused with new implements of destruction. The sandbox has a blacker, more malicious touch. Trigger fingers itch for glory.
Full Fireteams (5 players or more) that have faced Oryx in his final form have emerged from the King’s Fall Raid with a 34.48% success rate. (Translation: Some Guardians are better than others.)
A new breed of elite warrior is emerging in the Tower. Every day, another one of them is proudly displaying a shiny new sword on their back, sizing up that other player in line to see the Gunsmith. It’s time to settle some scores.
The game has changed. Soon, we’ll rediscover the best of the best in an arena where your power matters. Are you ready? You might want to read on before you proclaim steady assurances that you are.
Light the Shield

Lord Saladin will welcome competitors back to the Tower on October 13.
Prepare to control the zones. Level up and choose your weapon. Power still matters, and we’re adjusting the damage curves to work with the new measurement systems. That’s not all that’s different about Iron Banner in Year Two.
We have a tactical briefing from Crucible Designer, Jeremiah Pieschl to help you get ready for battle:
- The tempered buff is now automatically applied and continues to grow in effectiveness each day of the event.
- The alt catch-up buff and Iron Medallion mechanics are unchanged.
- Potential match completion rewards now include both weapons and armor, matching the same items available from Lord Saladin during each event.
- Drop rates have been increased and are intended to be the primary source of rewards from Iron Banner. If you don’t get what you’re hoping for, you have the option to visit Lord Saladin instead.
- Gear purchased from Lord Saladin now requires Legendary Marks instead of Glimmer.
- New emblems have been added to his inventory.
- All new bounties including 9 Daily bounties (3 per day) and 3 new Weekly bounties which reward Legendary Marks.
- Recommended minimum Light for Iron Banner: 230.
- Only Level 40 Guardians can lead a Fireteam.
“Test yourself, Guardian.” –Lord Saladin
Light the Candles
Brother Vance will welcome competitors back to the Reef on October 16.
Prepare to eliminate the enemy. Yet again, power still matters. Increase your Light and form your very finest Fireteam. Trials of Osiris is keeping the trend of evolution in Year Two.
Senior Designer Derek Carroll is here to tell you what you need to know to reach the Lighthouse, or die well trying:
- Trials gear will now drop exclusively as end-of-match rewards for winning teams.
- The more you win, the better those drops will be!
- There’s no need to return to Brother Vance, all rewards come directly to you.
- Passage Coins still drop for the losing team. Trials is still about winning, but Coins can help make that easier.
- Trials Passages now have a Details page containing your active buffs. You won’t be able to add buffs once you’ve started your Trial, so make sure you buy them first!
- Players that go undefeated on their Passage will continue to be invited to The Lighthouse.
- Players may continue to play in the Trials past 9 wins (but they won’t get any better gear).
- Brother Vance now has Trials Bounties available each weekend to provide players with a way to get sweet Trials gear, even if they’re not reaching the Lighthouse.
- Regular Crucible Bounties are also still valid in Trials.
- We will attempt to match up teams with similar win counts.
- If you have 1 win, we will try to match you with another team with only 1 win.
- If you have 8 wins… yup.
- If we can’t find a high-quality match, we will loosen the win requirements first (in other words, we will not prioritize “wins” over low-latency matches).
- Overtime timer in Elimination will now show 0:00 instead of stopping at 0:01 when time expires.
- Teammate and enemy Revives now have distinct audio cues.
- Recommended minimum Light for Trials of Osiris: 290.
- Only Guardians with at least 251 Light can lead a Fireteam.
“You return. My master is pleased.” –Brother Vance
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