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New Legendary Gear
You can view all of this new Legendary gear in the middle of this article.
- Existing Legendary gear on display in the Tower will be replaced
- New Legendary gear will feature higher Attack and Defense values
- Legendary items will still require Ascendant Materials for upgrades
- This new, more powerful gear will be available to all players of Destiny
- Legendary gear will not be as powerful as new Raid gear or Exotics
[divider]New Rank Commendations
- In addition to Crucible or Vanguard Marks, purchasing new Legendary items will require a Crucible or Vanguard Commendation
- Commendations are received in Reputation Reward Packages delivered by the Postmaster upon reaching a new Reputation Level
[divider]Exotic Talent Changes
- As part of the December 1st Destiny Update, Exotic Armor and Weapons no longer require Ascendant Materials for upgrades
- The final power node of all Exotic Gear will require an Exotic Shard
- This new material is obtained by one of the following means:
- Purchased from Xûr for 7 Strange Coins
- Dismantling unwanted Exotics
[divider]New Exotic Upgrading
- Exotic Gear in The Dark Below will have higher Attack and Defense values than current Exotic Gear. For players and their current caches of Exotics, a path will exist to bring them forward into The Dark Below.
- Starting December 9th, Xûr will offer players the opportunity to upgrade Exotics to the higher Attack and Defense values
- Upgrading an Exotic in this way will require an Exotic Shard
- The upgrade will reset the progression invested into the item
- Each week, Xûr will possess a selection of upgrades for existing Exotics in his inventory
[divider]Crucible (PvP) Changes

- Expansion I will include two new exclusive competitive playlists – Inferno and Hardcore (and Trials of Osiris)
- New Crucible arenas (Pantheon, Skyshock, and The Cauldron) will be featured in map rotation
- Playlists available in the Director will change week over week
- Experiences will alternate between 12 and 6 player engagements
- Map rotation will alternate between focusing solely on new expansion arenas and including original launch maps in the mix
[divider]Heroics and Nightfall (PvE) Changes
- With the Light level increase to 32, Heroics and Nightfalls will be increased by 2 Light levels to keep up with new content, level increases, and gear items
[divider]New Raid: Crota’s End
- The new Raid, Crota’s End, will unlock on December 9th
- Players at Light level 30 can lead a Fireteam immediately upon release
- Raid loot in Crota’s End will drop at a higher rate
- New Raid gear will contain a wider variety of potential perks
- Weapons and Gear from Crota’s End will not require Ascendant materials for upgrades
- Radiant Shards and Radiant Energy acquired in the Raid will be used to upgrade new Raid gear
- Unwanted weapons and gear from Crota’s End will dismantle into Radiant materials
- Primary weapons will only drop in the hard version of Crota’s End, released sometime in January