Ultra HD Images

Destiny has gone gold, and soon, our lives as we know it will change forever. From the Activison Press Center, we’ve got dozens of ultra HD screenshots and renders from Gamescom. The resolution and quality of these images are insane… I’ve created a gallery with most of the images, click here to check them out and feel free to download them.

Community Beta Screenshots

We asked for your personal beta screenshots and many of you delivered. Here are some of our favorites. Thank you to all who submitted! We’ll do more of these once Destiny officially releases in September. Waiting for the Earthrise by Ash Wilton [divider] Light at the end of the tunnel by THE RX8 RACER [divider] Dusk of the Beta by SFSJ [divider] Time to rest by Raylon [divider] I have the power! by BenBennyBoBenny [divider] Destiny is made to play with friends right? by KosMos2020 [divider] Paint me like one of your French girls by Timothy Adams [divider] Don’t mess with the

All of Destiny’s Exotics (Pre-Expansion)

Published on: Jul 24, 2014 @ 11:01 If you’d like to see all of the Dark Below & House of Wolves Exotics, click here. The following list is all of the Exotic weapons, armor, and items that are in the game (before the expansions). It’s confirmed that more will be coming with the Expansions. Click a link to get more information about an item. Our Armor and Weapons pages have much more images as well.[divider] PlanetDestiny Exotic Review Playlist [divider]Armor [toggle title=”Helmets” state=”close” ] Achlyophage Symbiote (Hunter) An Insurmountable Skullfort (Titan) Apotheosis Veil (Warlock) Helm of Inmost Light (Titan) Helm of Saint-14 (Titan) Knucklehead Radar (Hunter) Light Beyond Nemesis (Warlock) Mask

Send Us Your Beta Screenshots

Update: Here are the community submitted screenshots Do you have an awesome beta screenshot that you want to show off? Well now is your chance to share your beta journey with the Destiny community. We’re looking for some awesome screenshots to showcase, so send us your best work and we may just feature it here on DestinyNews.net. [divider] How to submit Send us an email at DestinyGameNews@gmail.com with your screenshot attached (or an imgur link). Give the picture a title, and if you’d like, a one sentence description. The content of the screenshot is up to you. Whether you saw something funny, or

Iron Banner Armor

If you missed the Iron Banner events that took place earlier today, fear not because Bungie has announced that the Iron Banner will also be open tomorrow (Sunday), 7/20 at 2PM and 7PM (PST). In the meantime, here are some awesome screenshots falconbox posted on reddit of the Iron Banner Titan gear. Beautifully crafted indeed. For a deeper look at the goodies you’ll receive, watch this video: