challenge of elders super guide

Challenge of Elders Guide (Week 4)

  Armor Recommendations The following suggestions are equally valid for all Guardians, no matter what subclass you’re going to use. On your helmets this week, look for Inverse Shadow, but honestly anyone looking for a high score should be gathering Assists and waiting to collect kills until a roaming powerhouse is ready to go. Otherwise, Artifacts are the next most important choice – do your best to match your artifact up to your chosen Element and abilities to land a few extra Orbs. Finally, as you can probably guess, do your best to match up your body Armor to your

challenge mode guide poe

Challenge of Elders Guide (Week 3)

As you undoubtedly already know, this week’s Challenge of Elders may be one of the most challenging yet, with a deadly combination of Trickle and Exposure limiting both our abilities and our health regen. Extra points for melee kills. [divider] Gear Recommendations The following suggestions are equally valid for all Guardians, no matter what subclass you’re going to use. First off, Armor: For a Helmet, unless you’re using an Exotic of some kind, I recommend finding one with Infusion, which replenishes health on Orb pickup. Better Already won’t do much as an alternative unfortunately, due to Exposure heavily penalizing your