About Us

Your guide to the Destiny 2 universe.

Planet Destiny focuses on providing a source of comprehensive information pertaining to the Destiny franchise, while also serving as a hub for the vibrant and dedicated online community that surrounds the series.

We offer resources such as a gear database, articles that cover both in-game and community newsweapon and armor reviews, activity guides, as well as a community forum and LFG service, Discord server, and more!

If you have any feedback or concerns, please contact us via the following links:

Email: contact.planetdestiny@gmail.com
Twitter: twitter.com/DestinyNews_net


Planet Destiny was founded in early 2013 as a Destiny-specific news outlet, and has seen immense growth and change throughout the years.

We have been featured in two Bungie Community Spotlights [1][2] and maintained a continuous presence on various social media outlets, such as Twitter and Facebook.


Content Producers


  • moonvald | Brand Director, Team Manager
  • Neoradium | Co-Manager, Copy Editor

Planet Destiny is a subset of Enthusiast Gaming