Xur Location and Inventory | 1/21 – 1/24/2022

Greetings, Guardians. Hope you’re doing well. I recommend giving this week’s TWAB a look; some economy changes are coming. Xur is on Nessus this week, near Watcher’s Grave. Read on to check out his goods.

This week, for 29 Legendary Shards, Xur carries:


Telesto is a Fusion Rifle that plays a little bit differently than its peers. The Unplanned Reprieve perk makes Telesto fire what are essentially delayed Void sticky bombs, rather than the standard Fusion Rifle death lasers. It sounds weird, but once you’re used to it, Telesto becomes one of the most interesting and satisfying Exotics in the game to use. It’s at its best in PvE, where you can take advantage of Harbinger’s Pulse to reload your weapons on multikills, but I’ve also had a blast with it in PvP, despite it being a bit suboptimal there. Telesto is fun. Don’t hesitate to grab it.

And for 23 Legendary Shards, Xur offers:

Phoenix Protocol

Phoenix Protocol is a Forsaken Exotic for Dawnblades. Its Battle-Hearth Exotic perk gives you Super energy for kills and assists made in your Well of Radiance. It’s fantastic for when you’re neck deep in enemies; keeping the Well up can keep you and your Fireteam alive and powerful through the onslaught. The Protocol is a strong Warlock option. Go get it.


For Hunters that want to move faster, jump higher, and slide further, Xur provides some St0mp-EE5s. Their Hydraulic Boosters perk… does everything I said in the last sentence, and that’s great, because mobility is generally a very nice thing.

Wormgod Caress

This wonderfully named Exotic armor piece is cool, what with Burning Fists rewarding you for punching by making your punches deal more, but you should already have it from doing Warmind story quests. If you didn’t do those, no big deal; they’re available this weekend.

Xur also carries an Exotic Engram, providing a random piece of Exotic armor for 97 Legendary Shards, along with the Exotic Quest “The Question.”

The Witch Queen DLC added Legendary weapons and armor to Xur’s weekly drops, at 50 Legendary Shards and 1000 Glimmer per item. They are:

See you next week!