xur worth buying bones ram

XûReview: Is That Worth Buying?

Item Class Subclass Buy? Strange Coin
The 4th Horseman Yes 17
Legacy Body Engram 29
Mk. 44 Stand Asides Titan Striker Maybe 13
Bones of Eao Hunter Any Yes 13
The Ram Warlock Voidwalker Yes 13


Mk. 44 Stand Asides

You can use this in PvP for a little leeway with timing your Shoulder Charge kills – and the tighter turn radius isn’t too bad – but the trade-off for any number of other Exotics you’re missing is hard to justify. If you do choose to run it, make sure to spec Headstrong for the extra sprint speed, which will be an obvious smart pairing with the aforementioned turn radius buff.

In PvE, only don these terrible boots if you desire to wear an unsubtle, obstructive, ridiculous Exotic that has about as much PvE utility as the Husk of the Pit.

…Okay, so you can re-roll them for your desired Ammo perks, at least.

With Headstrong, if you’re a Striker fan who is looking to play around in PvP, they might earn you 1 extra kill a match with a quicker, more responsive, and forgiving Shoulder Charge (and probably 5 extra deaths as you try to lean on SC too hard).


Bones of Eao

These can be extremely fun to use when you’re looking to speed across the battlefield, or curious about that hard-to-reach ledge and what may lie beyond it – but for optimizing your build, they are not at or even near the top of the pack. Still, for an example of where the Bones are right at home, check out this wildly fun Crota Speed Run.

However, for PvP, traversing the environment is usually secondary to engaging its inhabitants, so the Bones are out-of-place in the Crucible.


The Ram

You may remember The Ram for being the biggest pain in the Shaxx in Y1 Crucible. Thankfully, Bungie has toned down the Armor bonus, but you can still stack it with an elemental Armor perk + max Armor to survive a few important things in the Crucible. Voidwalkers should know that it ups their melee and durability game in PvE, though it’s hard to beat a Flame Shield and self-rez. The Ram is an excellent Exotic, even if it isn’t a PvE standout first and foremost, earning a solid B tier there.