In our previous poll we asked you guys what you would most like to see from us. Many people wanted more Exotic reviews, so we’ve been trying to produce those at a steady pace. You can see all of our in-depth Exotic weapon reviews here, and there’s even more on our YT channel.
[divider]Your Suggestions for Destiny
This week we want to focus on how Destiny can be made better. Bungie wants to know your feedback, so let them know what could be improved about the game.
Whether it’s a minor alteration, or an entirely new addition, go ahead and vote in our multiple choice poll and also let us know what you’d like in the comments below this article.
Planet Destiny forum member BuckshotGeorge had this to say,
I would like to equip more than one exotic. Maybe this could be restricted to high level operations? As the DLC will raise the top level it would make sense to let people equip all exotics to go raiding, rather than rely on what gets dropped during the raid. This will also placate the people complaining about everyone wearing the same armour (every level 30 is wearing at least 3 pieces of the same armour set). It will not only help aesthetics but also assist perk preferences for players.
Choose that all you’d like to see! And if something isn’t listed in the poll, definitely let us know your thoughts.
[divider]My Suggestions
Usually I don’t weigh in on the polls, but seeing as I suggested guaranteed boss rewards awhile ago, that’s definitely something I’d like to see. Whether they just drop something as simple as Relic Iron, I think it’d make the task of killing them that much more satisfying.
Another small yet annoying issue is the fact that the Gunsmith’s and Cryptarch’s inventories are basically useless.
Currently, the Cryptarch rank is seemingly useless and does not appear to produce any meaningful results, besides the rewards sent to you when you level it up. The Cryptarch could be improved by allowing people to buy Legendary Engrams for a significant amount of Strange Coins.
As for the Gunsmith, his weapons are simply ineffectual. This vendor sometimes sells a Rare fusion rifle which is needed for completing an Exotic bounty, but other than that, I’m surprised he hasn’t gone out of business with how little Glimmer he makes.
Perhaps he could be hotfixed to allow us to customize our weapons further, such as with weapon shaders? Item Transmogrification?
[divider]Message from DeeJ
We read all of this feedback. More people than you would suspect look in on the forum here and in places all over the Internet where players talk about Destiny. We take it in. We measure it against data we have on our end. We triage it against our own wish lists. We plan our work based on the people we have on our team and the hours we have in any given work day. We choose our battles on the development floor the same way you do when you look at your Director. “What can I accomplish next to get better?” is the essential question.
There is a process in place to support Destiny. You, constant reader, are a part of that process. Your voice is, by my proxy, a part of the conversation – even when it makes the meeting to which I’ve been invited a little contentious. I do not post in every thread that appears on this forum because I don’t assume you’ll settle for being placated with a stock “We hear you!” every time one of you has a good idea.
The promise I can make is that I am working with the developers to make sure that they understand how you feel as they go about making their decisions.
Now, there will be times when I focus on the positive. There are people in this community who deserve an introduction to happy gamers who are doing amazing things to provide a service to their fellow Guardians. Those people deserve their due credit. This does not mean that I’m dodging your feedback. It means that I’m attempting to see our community from every angle – to give everyone a voice.