Red Bull Destiny Content (Update)

Published on: Jun 23, 2015 @ 22:08

Remember this leak from a few weeks ago?

More details have surfaced that give us a good indication on what to expect.



Red Bull has outlined exactly what we’ll be getting when we buy any specially-marked can:

Every ‘Destiny-marked’ can will include a code

Their disclaimer reads:

– Quest exclusive to Red Bull promotion 9/18/15 – 12/31/15
– No code required to access quest after 1/1/16
– Code for Bonus XP must be redeemed by 7/31/16



So, what’s going on? Red Bull wants to incentivize Destiny fans to pick up their energy drinks with the guarantee of exclusive content.

Thankfully these XP boosts aren’t just limited to this promotion. At E3 we saw Legendary Faction class items with XP boosts as well.

However, if you want early access to this “six-stage” Quest with “exclusive rewards” tied to its completion, then you’ll need to snag at least one code.

This new Taken King Quest will be available to non-code owners starting January 1st, 2016.

reb bull promo leak
“Exclusive Rewards tied to Quest completion”


7/11 Only?

These special cans will be sold first at 7/11 stores, but will eventually move onto other retailers such as Walmart starting in August.

The stores selling these cans will be limited to North America.

exclusive 711

Based on the leaked images above provided by AgriosEndendros, the following is known:

  • 7/11 exclusivity lasts until August 1st.
  • The Destiny-themed Red Bull will be at 7/11 from July 1st – September 1st.
  • Walmart & other stores will sell these cans from August 1st – September 30th.



If you don’t feel like spending money on Red Bull, or don’t even have a 7/11 in your area, we will be giving away at least 10 codes!

The giveaway will most likely take place in July, assuming they’re on sale. More details to come!