Published on: Apr 13, 2015 @ 17:22
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Update: “1.1.2 will deploy to your consoles tomorrow morning, Pacific.”
Over the course of the next month, we’ll be revealing exactly what you’ll find in House of Wolves this May. Much like our recent rounds of live update news, we plan on sharing many of the most important details with you right here on
House of Wolves will not have a Raid activity. We didn’t make this decision lightly. Our team has been humbled by the reception of Raids in Destiny and we are creating a new Raid for a release later this year.
House of Wolves will have a new cooperative end game activity focused on variety, replayability, and skill – a new battle Arena called The Prison of Elders.
Below, you’ll find the currently planned calendar of events for House of Wolves news. Next week we’ll be kicking things off by revealing the upgrade path for your existing Exotic and Legendary gear.
We know this is an important subject for you. After, we’ll detail out Trials of Osiris and Prison of Elders, both brand new additions to Destiny’s end game activities.
House of Wolves Calendar of Events
Wednesday, April 22nd

Wednesday, April 29th

Wednesday, May 6th