planet destiny

Introducing: Community Spotlight

Published on: Oct 26, 2014 @ 11:00

The Destiny community has a lot of new content each and every day that we’d like to help promote.

Please email us at if you’d like your content to be featured on our site, and possibly in our weekly Top 5 video.[divider]


As you’ve come to expect, we post no less than 1 article each day. We try to keep our articles as in-depth as possible, which sometimes takes awhile.

We’ve created a community spotlight section so that in the interim between a new article, we can still provide you all with interesting and worth-reading/watching content. This will mostly be miscellaneous Destiny coverage, such as what you’d find in the In Other News articles.


We not only want to provide you all with the articles you’re used to, but also some funny Destiny videos, cool fan art, and other submissions from the Destiny community.

By featuring content from the community, we’ll be able to give you guys much more content each day. There will be at least 5 new additions each day, along with our own articles.


We’ll create an article for each ‘news’ item, but they’ll be located on the sidebar.

The latest 5 articles will be located on the sidebar, and to see all of them, just click the “Community” link on our navigation menu.

[divider]Weekly Top 5 Spotlight

For awhile now, we’ve wanted to give you all (the Planet Destiny community) a way to submit your content. We’d like to highlight content that you submit to the site, whether it be video, art, fan fiction, etc.

Our first Top 5 community content video features submissions on Reddit, but hopefully soon we can fill this with content submitted by PlanetDestiny members.

From now on, every Thursday, we’re going to publish our weekly Top 5 video on our YT channel. You can watch the first episode below: