xur worth buying bad juju taken king

XûReview: Is That Worth Buying?

Item Class Subclass Buy? Strange C2oin Bad Juju Yes 23 Legacy Gauntlet Engram 29 No Backup Plans Titan Defender 13 ATS/8 ARACHNID Hunter Gunslinger Yes 13 Starfire Protocol Warlock Sunsinger 13 [divider] No Backup Plans Y2 No Backup Plans are a load of fun. In addition to lengthening Force Barrier, you can now proc Disintegrate’s benefits with a Shotgun kill, providing you have a active melee charge. This works well with an aggressive Titan skating build in PvP. If you’re running these gauntlets, you should be all in with your build. That means a Shotgun for a secondary, and this roll