xur worth buying exotics

Is That Worth Buying?

Published on: Dec 19, 2014 @ 5:10 Xûr is in town offering new gear. What’s worth your hard-earned Strange Coins? Remember to finish the Urn of Sacrifice quest before he leaves! [divider] Inventory Item Class Subclass Type Strange Coin Patience and Time Any Any Sniper Rifle 17 Ruin Wings Titan Any Gauntlets 13 Knucklehead Radar Hunter Any Helmet 13 Claws of Ahamkara Warlock Any Gauntlets 13 Test your luck with an Exotic helmet Engram! [divider]Patience and Time Patience and Time is truly unique. It’s signature cloaking ability gives the weapon plenty of character, and the radar stays when you ADS. As with all of the Exotic