Is That Worth Buying?

Published on: Mar 13, 2015 @ 3:50 Xûr is in town offering new gear. What’s worth your hard-earned Strange Coins? Remember to finish the Urn of Sacrifice quest before he leaves! [divider] Inventory Item Class Subclass Type Strange Coin Red Death Any Any Pulse Rifle 23 An Insurmountable Skullfort Titan Striker Helm 13 Knucklehead Radar Hunter Any Helm 13 Claws of Ahamkara Warlock Any Gauntlets 13 He’s also selling Exotic Helm Engrams; we have reviews for each of the Exotic helmets. If you plan on buying An Insurmountable Skullfort or Knucklehead Radar, be sure to buy an Engram first! [divider]Red Death It’s much more viable in

universal remote review

Universal Remote Exotic Review

To the untrained eye this beast is a junker. To the trained eye, however, this junker…is a beast. Universal Remote is an Exotic primary shotgun. This weapon can be acquired in PvE or PvP, or sold by Xûr 8.8/10 7.9/10 The good: Fun to use, high stability. The bad: Slow reload time, low Impact. Conclusion: Not better than the majority of primary weapons. Read the full review here This is an Exotic WeaponShotgun (Primary Weapon) Kinetic Base Damage/Upgraded260/300 Quality Lvl70 Rate of Fire 17 Impact 36 Range 8 Stability 41 Reload 29 Magazine Size 5 Zoom 12 Equip Speed 60