Rise of Iron Stream Recap

For those who missed the Rise of Iron Reveal Stream and want to catch all the excitement for yourselves, you can check out the replay on Twitch, or watch our favorite parts: [divider] Basics Rise of Iron is classified as a large expansion, approaching the size of The Taken King, and will have other unannounced features. It will retail for $30 US and is the first next gen-only expansion for Destiny – that’s right, Guardians, this is only available for PS4 and Xbox One. We can guess that there will be some kind of Digital Guardian package containing all previous content at

destiny rise of iron analysis

RISE OF IRON – Everything You Need to Know!

Update: Find more recent information about Rise of Iron here, as this article is slightly out of date. Bungie’s stream has collectively whet the appetite of long-time Destiny gamers looking for their next big adventure, and early signs are promising that waiting for the Rise of Iron will be well worth it. Although many details of the expansion are still shrouded in secrecy, the little taste we got today tells us that E3 can’t come soon enough. We’ll break down every bit of information we gleaned from Bungie’s classically cryptic presentation, and offer our thoughts on what this expansion might