xur worth buying red death

Is That Worth Buying?

Published on: June 26, 2015 @ 3:34 Xûr has arrived! What’s worth your hard-earned Strange Coins? [divider] Inventory Item Class Subclass Type Strange Coin Red Death Pulse Rifle 23 Peregrine Greaves (152 INT) Titan Striker Boots 13 Crest of Alpha Lupi (150/158 STR) Hunter Any Chest 13 Heart of the Praxic Fire (144/152 DISC) Warlock Sunsinger Chest 13 You can also try your luck with the Exotic Helmet Engram! [divider]Red Death This is the pulse rifle to beat. Check out how we place it in our PvP and PvE Exotic tier list, and we also have a full review for it – and that was even before