crotas end complete invigorate

Congratulations @InvigorateINV

Published on: Dec 9, 2014 @ 10:36 The crew at InvigorateINV managed to complete Crota’s End, and were one of the first – if not the first to do so in just 6 hours! How can you confirm a completion? Only those who complete Crota’s End will receive this new emblem.   Congratulations to the Invigorate team! They managed to score Swordbreaker, Dogged Gage, Willbreaker’s Fists, Light of the Abyss, Black Hammer, and “Light in the Abyss” – among other items. You can check out all of the raid gear, with all of the new perks, in this article. [divider]How Did They Do It? Without giving too much away, here’s